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Todays Harvest

Thanks,Tony,I've heard neg. comments about them,but I'm using them tomorrow for the first time.Put powder in a Tandoori chicken thing I'm grilling tomorrow night...I personally don't munch Chinense...I usually use them in hot sauces,marinades,powders,etc.I did take a small taste and didn't hurl or anything drastic!I'll have to do another tasting,clense my palate first...I don't know how they got a bad rep?Lots of pods,look great,I'll be using them for my mash and also dried in some Curry's.
Hope things are good in my old stompin' grounds,and pulease tellm me it's as humid as I remember!LOL!
scoville said:
Hope things are good in my old stompin' grounds,and pulease tellm me it's as humid as I remember!LOL!

Haha - yeah it's been a little humid but temps have only been in the 80's and even then, it doesn't get bad until mid afternoon. I usually don't turn my AC on until noon. Dropping into a very comfortable low 60's at night. Other than the rain a couple of weeks ago, it's been great weather and my plants are getting huge. These are by far the biggest I've ever grown, but I'm sure a lot of it is the good early starts and the Pro-Mix. I'm going to be drying a lot of pods soon, I don't have the freezer space. This AL East is starting to heat up some too. Gonna be a fun summer.