harvesting Today's Harvest

bentalphanerd said:
Good haul Pam....of course I would have just chucked the lot into a blender

No you wouldn't have. You'd have put your nose in the air and announced the peppers were "not worthy" just before you dashed off with all the tomatoes.
Not fair ** slams door and cries into pillow ** just not fair --- Pammy gets everything and I NEVER get anything --- Nice job Pam .... our weather on the East Coast is finally staying drier and getting hot again so hopefully things will change for me .... I AM SO DAMN JEALOUS
Not fair ** slams door and cries into pillow ** just not fair --- Pammy gets everything and I NEVER get anything --- Nice job Pam .... our weather on the East Coast is finally staying drier and getting hot again so hopefully things will change for me .... I AM SO DAMN JEALOUS

Ha! Don't worry, your tomato harvest will be peaking about the time the blight claims the last of mine. You can gloat at me then.
So, Friday the 13th Harvest


That's yellow current tomatoes, Grenada Seasoning, Criolla Sella, Chocolate Hab, Cherry Chocolate, Pilange, Limon, Lemon Drop, Pimeinto De Cheiro, and a Tobago Seasoning pepper.

I think I'm going to try a Pico De Gallo tonight and use up the red tomatoes I have that have bug bites and bad places on them.
Hi - Hope you don't mind if I lob in here to show my paltry winter crop Pam :D

Top left are my habs from the hab-hedge (green on the base is because it was touching the ground) - then clockwise to Malawi birdseye (i think?), Siam, bottom right is birdseye x cayenne, bird-hab, The round ones are 'unworthy' I keep them at the door of my herb garden for the bugs to munch on. Center is an unknown asian volunteer.
bentalphanerd said:
Hi - Hope you don't mind if I lob in here to show my paltry winter crop Pam :)

Just having a winter crop gives you braggin' rights!

The round ones are 'unworthy' I keep them at the door of my herb garden for the bugs to munch on.

No no no! You chop up one of the hot peppers, mix it with some onion, basil, and cheese (or cream cheese); and stuff the unworthy peppers. Then you grill 'em and settle back with a beer for some tasty munching.
Pam said:
No no no! You chop up one of the hot peppers, mix it with some onion, basil, and cheese (or cream cheese); and stuff the unworthy peppers. Then you grill 'em and settle back with a beer for some tasty munching.

Thanks Pam - I'll give that a go. I call them unworthy not just because they are mild, but mostly the pods go soggy & start to rot before they get ripe (so a bug collector)...These are the first ripe pods I've got from them all year.seems they like the colder weather.
Is there anything that doesn't tastes better with beer :)