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Todays Harvest

only 2 ripe nagas and they are on the small side but the green ones that are covered in tiny bumps are twice the size .

I was going to make a video but I am going to wait till the big ugly ones are red.

the rest are habs peter pepeprs ect

Nice haul!
Many of my Nagas are on the small side this year. I overwintered the 2 plants with the larger pods from last year too. Grrrr.
looks like you are starting to bring in a bunch of pods shayne...good deal
my prize plant that broke has the biggest peppers of all

this is a few weeks old but the remaining branch is doing well.



I also transplated my remaining naga plants into bigger pots (3gallon)and they are really taking off.

I think pot size is a good topic that should be discussed as some peppers do well in small pots where others just seem to stop growing and almost produce nothing.
Have o agree Pot size has been a big learning curve for me,Surprising how many varieties grew well in larger pots..But others just didn't want to grow..But them in smaler and they have done well..Timing and weather conditions also play a factor as well as the amount of light the plants are receiving..Start a thread it'll be interesting indeed :)
It's amazing how big some plants can get in the small containers I am using until planting out while - as you say - others seem to need much more space to do well. Baccatum plants seems to need less space as chinense, who stay kinda small until transplanted.

Your harvest looks good, man. At least you got some ripe Nagas, mine will need another 2 weeks I guess.