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tomorrow is too late.

7 years ago my dad went to prison for reasons that I won't get into here. Everyday of that 7 years I fought with the idea of whether or not to send him a letter, or go visit him, I always said Ill deal with it later. Even though me and my wife would actually get into fights over the fact that I had not spoken to him in so long. So I went 7 full years with not so much as a word spoken to him. Today my phone rings and the caller I.D says Easterling Correctional Center. I answered the phone kind of excited to hear what he might have to say but instead what I got was an employee of the prison calling to let me know that my dad had died. So what now? how do you fix the last thing you said to your dad, you can't. My last words to my dad will always be the meanest thing I have ever said to anyone. My dad died today thinking that I hated him.
No he didn't. He understood that you were mad in that instant. He probably hoped to get out and reunite with you, and knew you just needed time to process.
Don't carry the guilt, just remember the good times, because now, ultimately that is all YOU have, memories.
Choose the good ones.
Peace bro.
Agree with Scovie - your dad knew that what was said was said in anger.

And as true as your statement about tomorrow being too late, you also cannot change the past. You can only control what is.

I'm sorry for your loss.

i just want you to know that i know where your at, when i lost my 21 year old niece Amanda to a brain tumor last year, i i stuggled for a time over what i would of,should of or could have said or done differently
and yes i beat myself over the head with those things for a time
im not preacing to you or even jamming religion down yours or anyone elses for that matter it goes much deeper than that, if it where not for my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ i would never have recovered ,my niece and i where very close when she was younger but as time drew on we saw less and less of each other, she grew from a small girl into a women and then became a mother, i missed much that i know in my heart of hearts i should not have

what my walk with Jesus has taught me is that He paid it all for us when he when to the cross, i asked him to forgive me for my many mistakes with Her
and he did but first i had to forgive myself, please im asking you not to carry this burden of pain you feel and you cannot carry it alone you will be crushed under the weight of it, start by forgiving yourself, you cant go back but you can move forward

theres an old saying


i swore i would not let this happen again with anyone especially Shailynn her child
if you will purpose in your heart to trust Him he will help you sort out the issue that trouble you as he did for me, he set my feet back on the road and showed me what is most important, it is those near and dear to you, those you do have

your father i am sure knows your sorry for everything and trust that he is in Gods hand, the greatest pair of hands enyone can be entrusted to

i hope this has helped you

your in my prayers and thought

your friend and fellow Chilehead Joe