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Tony's Chilli's 2008

God damn AJ............ you love your numbers dont you.

I just like to get a feel for the plants........ they all need different things...... some like less sun, some more, My 7"s , devils tongues, habs ect go better in pots in my pool yard with lots of sun but the Jalepino in the shade is twice the size and they came from the same pot from the hardware store garden dept.

Some like more food, some less. Some more water, some less.

I like to get to know the plant as they grow and use a "gut feeling" as to whether they need water of food ect.

I dont have time for numbers and charts.

If it gets cool i move them to maxamise their sun exposure, if its blistering hot i call my wife at 10am and ask her to water the plants in the pots as they like water in the morning on a hot day. It keeps their roots cool.

I just watch the plants :)

And i dont know where you got those temps from AJ...... but it gets a lot hotter here than 27 deg.c. We will be 38 for the next few days and would average higher than that in summer

Pam said:
Really? Most guys are pretty proud of their stuff.
First of all it depends on what "stuff" you speak of. ;)
Second it's like taking pictures of my kids (if I had any) and post them online... I think that's kinda personal. or you could just think I'm a real modest person. :lol:
I take pictures all the time for endless reasons, but still won't post them. not a secret or anything, you could get some pictures in personal (the right person that is), but it's not public info.
Omri said:
First of all it depends on what "stuff" you speak of. ;)
Second it's like taking pictures of my kids (if I had any) and post them online... I think that's kinda personal. or you could just think I'm a real modest person. :lol:
I take pictures all the time for endless reasons, but still won't post them. not a secret or anything, you could get some pictures in personal (the right person that is), but it's not public info.

You know I'm just teasing you! I just adore your brassy attitude so much I couldn't resist the "taking pictures of my stuff" line.
numbers are a way of life for me and have been all my life...

the monthly average numbers came from...


the only point that I was trying to make with this comparative analysis is that your weather does not have as dramatic of a change as mine does...

and I AM proud of my stuff

***wondering to self, where did I put my stuff***
I think the comparison was great AJ....... you do have a fair swing in temps.

I also like numbers, figures and records...... im just too damn lazy to put them into a chart like you.

The world needs more like you AJ :)

Damn fine chiles there tony. Can't decide if you're gonna eat that pepper with the face or if he's gonna eat you :shocked:
Update time again.

First up........ chilli's will grow anywhere in Australia........ even in concrete. Its an Indian PC-1. I had a plant near here and let it basicly die as i didnt like it much. THis one is self sown.



And the Devils TOngue is going well. Lots of peppers starting to form up. Its such a healthy plant. Definatly going to over winter this one.


The 7's are progressing slowly. I have one pepper forming up and while looking slightly scary, in not sure if its pure strain. It looks a bit more scotch bonnet in shape but the skin is starting to roughen up a touch as it gets bigger. Also........ it seems to be growing erect. I thought it was a one off but the 2 behind it have set and seem to be growing erect also. Seeds were Trinni's. Anyone else seen this?




I pulled this one out of the ground where i was not happy and put it in the heat. Its doubled in size and sent out shoots in the last week.

thats going to be a great tasting and hot pod tony...I loved mine from this past season...are you growing fatalii too?...I found that the Fataliis were larger pods than the Devils Tongue pods I grew. Could have just been the strain of seeds for each that was available...
No Fatalii AJ...... my seeds were duds and wouldnt fire. Have had the same problem with growing one for the comparison. One shallow planted seed sprouted very fast in the garden with sunlight but no more have come up. The DT seeds were from Mick's first batch of Jerk sauce. He kindly saved me some seeds and i had 100% strike rate with them.

The photo of the 7 Pod has actually shown up the roughnes on the skin. It looks smoother than that to the eye.

cool Tony...what I have noticed in my competition plants is the Red and Chocolate Fataliis are growing faster than the regular Fataliis...

your Bhuts are starting to look scary...have you tasted a slice yet?

I loved the taste for about 15 secs then the burn started...it was great...
No AJ..... i was going to try one today or tomorrow but i have a bit of a head cold and dont feel the best. Probably not the best time to eat the hottest chilli in the world.

There are a couple of ripe ones that are a bit smaller..... i might chop one of them up and try it tomorrow. What the hell.

Let us know how that bhut tasting goes. Chiles are looking damn fine man. Is there a hole in that concrete where the pepper sprouted? That's pretty neat dude.
moyboy said:
I might have to come up and say hello......

And AJ, it's not a competition mate.....It's a comparison....:lol: :P

Hear that AJ? Sounds like the aussies are scared..:lol:

That's what you get for having the season backwards!

Txclosetgrower said:
Hear that AJ? Sounds like the aussies are scared..:lol:

That's what you get for having the season backwards!


I think everyone should be scared when it comes to AJ's plants....:scared:
The only person scared of Americans is David Bowe :)

Tx....... i will do just that, and the plant from the concrete....... there is a small gap, paper thin that a seed must have become lodged in. I couldnt believe it when i found it.

Now i will let it go as i want it to grow atleast 1 pepper.

As for the "comparison" :)....... im not to confidnet in my seed stock but we will see what the Aussie sunshine will produce from the one i got to grow. If i get time and the motivation, i will build a grow cupboard. If not it will freeze to death :)

I really should build one because the plants i started at the beginning of winter are leaps and bounds infront of the ones i planted in spring.
