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Tony's Chilli's 2008

moyboy said:
IAnd AJ, it's not a competition mate.....It's a comparison....:lol:

Yup...forgot it was a comparison...

Txclosetgrower said:
Hear that AJ? Sounds like the aussies are scared..:lol:

Me thinks too...

moyboy said:
I think everyone should be scared when it comes to AJ's plants....:scared:

No use to be scairt...I placed third behind BB and Pablo in the Naga Morich first ripe pepper contest last year...

tony05 said:
The only person scared of Americans is David Bowe :)

I had to look this person up and still don't know who he is...

This is going to be a great comparison...I think my Chocolate Fataliis are getting ready to put on the second set of true leaves...
gigglin' here Tony...i need more coffee....I should have relized you meant David Bowie...

now that is something to be scairt of... :lol:

I am anxious for you to taste the Bhut and tell me your opinion Tony...

:assuming this will be your first taste of one you have grown yourself:
I tried a Bhut yestaqrday arvo.

I cut a small slice and chewed it up. It burnt but not what i was expecting. So i chopped off a slightly larger chunk. Ahhh yeah...... there it is :) but still not what i was expecting, so i pollished off about half of it in one hit and that burnt!

My mouth was on fire, nose running, drooling. Awsome heat! Its not as painful as i expected but i think i have a fair tollerance. It built slowly and set in to stay a while.

About an hor later i had "Bhut Belly" happening.

And at 4am this morning i was awoken by an urge to run for my life. I wont go into details but anyone who has eaten these things can attest to the morning after joy of a burn that takes 2 minuites to set right in and lasts another 10.

I made it back to bed and lay in the fetal position for a while...... thinking of sitting in snow...... or icecream, but i had neither.

Awsome peppers. cant wait to get some devils tongues to make some sauce with the 2.

or you could buy a bottle of mine. Tony...lol

seriously though, the hottest thing I have ever tasted was BB naga paste.
He grew the hottest chillis on the planet that season.
I haven't heard from him for a while I wonder what he's up too. I bet he's got a ton of super hots stashed away.

I tried it mick............ it was delightful! The 2 flavors work so well together.

And you get the up front "bang" of the devils tongue and then the slow creeping fire from the Naga's

Nova.......... if your up my way one day let me know and i will save you one.
Cant wait to try the 7 Pod now. And cant wait to grow the scorpions next year.

the plants & pods are looking great!
I really like this picture of the goatsweed, it looks like a tree.

tony05 said:
Check out the flowers on this!

Its a 7 Pod branch.



and here is my poor excuse for a fatalii. THe summer heat has melted the baby leaves off it but its alive...... for now.


and here is a rnadon shot of the cherry tomatoes i have going. They were self sowm from toms that fell off last season and they are about 8 feet tall and still going. Most of the stalks have fallen and are now growing along the fence

looking good.....

Love the shot of the tomato....

My fatalii is ready to test as well....only a tiny bit was yellow for days, then I came home today and only 5mm of the tip is still green....:shocked:

P.S. you are going to go well in the comparison with that fatalii...:lol:
I have preety much all but resigned from the fatalli comp. I wont have anywhere to grow it in winter anyway.

Come June i may anounce another "comparison" to even out the odds........... how does that sound?

To my understanding........ and please corect me if im wrong, is that spring and early summer light has more blue light for plant groath but the stinking hot peak of summer will be more red light.

My plants seem to slow in groath mid summer and start to flower. Similar to chanking your blue lights to red for flowering.

Hence why my little fatalii is not going so well.

Just copped $2400 worth of bills with 2 power bills, water bill, council rates, phone bill, and my fridge blowing up. All this just after xmas and my twin daugters birthday in january. Im broke and spending $100 on lights is out of the question.


tony05 said:
Check out the flowers on this!

Its a 7 Pod branch.

Wow...that is pretty crazy. I don't think I have ever seen that many buds packed into such a small area.

Plants are looking great by the way.
Update again!

Bhuts are ripening really well. I have taken about a dozen off already and lots more very close to ripe.

And Oh boy are they hot. THey make great sauce.


And the Devils Tongue plant is getting some great looking fruit on it. Cant wait for them to ripen up.

Now for the 7's

I have 3 plants and all are starting to get fruit on them.

One of them has one that is showing a bit of colour and its not yellow, it doesnt look orange of red................ it looks BROWN!!!!!

Could it be?



They gorw Erect which is very interesting as well.


Oh man those 7pods look like they're getting ready to give you the business. Very exciting man.

Are they supposed to grow erect like that? Seems strange for that type of pepper but what do I know lol this will be my first year growing them.

Good work man