Tonys chillis for 2009

My Bhut doesnt know that in 2 or 3 weeks, it will be winter


nor does my Devil Tongue..... this is the green ones that were on the plant when i picked the last lot in the pics above


and there are still lots to come


Want some seeds of those devil tongue if you could Tony ? Enough to crack a few !
Happy to trade, as It will not be untill next season I will need them.
Last harvest for the season folks

Took these Devil tonues off along with a few dozen bhuts and 7"s that a mate took home.


And the final harvest from about 6 plants

Left rear: 7 Pots
Right rear: Jalapinos
front left: Devil Tongues
Front rught: Bhut Jalokias



Edit: would you believe its the first week of winter and there are still more coming!
Wow, that is a serious pod pile! If pods were drugs, you would be Tony Montana. :lol: Your daughter just broke the cuteness meter too! Life is good in OZ.
Thanks folks.

YEah the weather here is great. Its the first week of winter and i have dozens more 7 Pots and Bhuts ripening. THey have stopped flowering though but over wintering wont be a problem.

I have given away most of the chilli's, im drying a lot to make powder for friends and kept a heap in the feeezer for cooking and sauce making.

A spoon of bhut powder in a curry sure livens things up :)

great harvest Tony...thats a lot of heat...and I agree with bigt on the cuteness meter being broken by your daughter...she is an angel...