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too ddrunk to write just look at pic

they sell these in Toronto at the grocery and the first ones got me excited but had no heat so no scorpions here .... the second pic are what I grow alot of and my seeds said chili hybrid but here say tai pepper???
the last pic are labeled thai but were green unripe cayenne in taste and look af far as I know..



the first ones look like chinenses, in fact the fat light green one at the back looks like a red savina I have (still green) on the plant right now.
Some look like bonnets, and they are "Jam(a)ica Hot Pepper"... so probably some kind of cross or similar Caribbean chile.
Damn! No heat at all? What a find that would have been if u had stumbled onto some real Scotch Bonnets. Our local chilis here look like those Thai chilis only smaller.