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Too green or just right ?

Guys I know I'm wearing you out with the questions but I beg your patenice. Today the weather here is a little milder so I wanted to move my plants outside for a hour or so. I was observing the dark green color of the plants it almost looks unnatural is this just normal of plants grown under lights or am I doing something wrong. I also notice the leaves ate crisp more do than plants grown out doors. They are more soft and flexible . Again just trying to learn ... oh here is the pic.

The color looks fine to me, though the leaves remind me of spinach... mmm....

Have you been including any calcium in your fert regiment? I'm pretty sure a calcium deficiency is what causes that leaf puckering...
Hold on a sec...Didn't you just post about germination an hour ago?? Spanky, are you sandbagging us? lol

Lol! No being an absolute novice to superhots and container/indoor/lights growing I ran a test batch to experiment with. This is them. They just look and feel different to me than plants grown outdoors under natural light

The color looks fine to me, though the leaves remind me of spinach... mmm....

Have you been including any calcium in your fert regiment? I'm pretty sure a calcium deficiency is what causes that leaf puckering...

The puckering? yea thought I covered the Cal base by mixing bonemeal into the soil but I was wrong I was slow to recognize it but finally bought some Calmag and watered it in. Again they just look and feel different then plants grown outdoors in natural light but if you guys say it's fine who am I to argue with experience.
My experience has been bonemeal doesn't work as effectively in soilless mixes as compared to in the ground, so I just started using CalMag Plus instead. They look really healthy though otherwise, nice thick stems, huge leaves, you should be fine.
They look like they're ready for bigger pots to me…they'll be much happier!!

Just put them in the one gallon pots a few weeks ago. I am learning it is best to leave in a pot long enough to get a good root ball. I am suspicious that cupping leaves, edema, and other issues would be averted if we do that.
Your plants are doing so well that one of your plants is actually TWO plants! Looking amazing, don't change a thing! What is that leaf damage on the one in the front? Cat???
If those are ones you germinated to test and they are looking like that then I think you have everything up to this point down pretty good. Those look great IMO. A little curl here, a little light spot there....I deal with that every year. I was told 2 years ago on here that some of the problems I worried too much over and made worse. Mother Nature may be a whore at times, but for the most part she keeps things moving.
My experience has been bonemeal doesn't work as effectively in soilless mixes as compared to in the ground, so I just started using CalMag Plus instead. They look really healthy though otherwise, nice thick stems, huge leaves, you should be fine.

hmm I didn't realize that, mine look pretty similar, I pruned a bunch of leaves off to help with growth on mine, and just to see how they would do with new growth, but the leaves outside of the tent in normal growth look crazy green and like spinach too lol but they have that same type of bumpiness partially due to edema, but also I think the new ones that don't have any sign of edema might be a little low in Cal.. I thought the bonemeal would fix that but I guess not, time to go to the local store and grab some CalMag.. if they have it, not sure if they do.. someone has got to have it around here.
Eh I ordered mine online. I think the problem is that bone meal requires breakdown through microbial action to really be made available to plants... so at the very least, you need to add something to your steril potting mix to make this happen. Really though, I've never observed a problem with a little calcium deficiency unless it's a really severe case. Some puckering is normal.

For the plants I had in the ground last year, a nice portion of bone meal in the planting hole along with some other slow release ferts held them over for about 6 months.
Eh I ordered mine online. I think the problem is that bone meal requires breakdown through microbial action to really be made available to plants... so at the very least, you need to add something to your steril potting mix to make this happen. Really though, I've never observed a problem with a little calcium deficiency unless it's a really severe case. Some puckering is normal.

For the plants I had in the ground last year, a nice portion of bone meal in the planting hole along with some other slow release ferts held them over for about 6 months.

yeah that is what I am figuring out when reading more online, and I there is none around here.. and I will have to hold off a little to get some, I guess now I will use my liquid fert a little more while they are inside for now.. really diluted but at least it will give them a little balance of ferts since they are not really getting anything other than the blood meal and what is in the MG potting soil mixed with the other soils/mixes I have in there
Your plants are doing so well that one of your plants is actually TWO plants! Looking amazing, don't change a thing! What is that leaf damage on the one in the front? Cat???

Naw I think that was from when they ran out of Cal but it took me while to catch it and act

If those are ones you germinated to test and they are looking like that then I think you have everything up to this point down pretty good. Those look great IMO. A little curl here, a little light spot there....I deal with that every year. I was told 2 years ago on here that some of the problems I worried too much over and made worse. Mother Nature may be a whore at times, but for the most part she keeps things moving.

Lol .. funny stuff mother nature can be a real mutha heh?

hmm I didn't realize that, mine look pretty similar, I pruned a bunch of leaves off to help with growth on mine, and just to see how they would do with new growth, but the leaves outside of the tent in normal growth look crazy green and like spinach too lol but they have that same type of bumpiness partially due to edema, but also I think the new ones that don't have any sign of edema might be a little low in Cal.. I thought the bonemeal would fix that but I guess not, time to go to the local store and grab some CalMag.. if they have it, not sure if they do.. someone has got to have it around here.

Yea get the Calmag .. that stuff is amazing!!

Man idk .. I got em outside again today and they just look funny. It's. Deep olive green as opposed to a forest green. And the purple stems and veins sure stand out. I never experienced this back in my 20's growing .. umm.. other things under MH.
I really thing it's a light thing in someway. Are you guys all telling me your stuff is a deep olive green?

Naw I think that was from when they ran out of Cal but it took me while to catch it and act

Lol .. funny stuff mother nature can be a real mutha heh?

Yea get the Calmag .. that stuff is amazing!!

Man idk .. I got em outside again today and they just look funny. It's. Deep olive green as opposed to a forest green. And the purple stems and veins sure stand out. I never experienced this back in my 20's growing .. umm.. other things under MH.
I really thing it's a light thing in someway. Are you guys all telling me your stuff is a deep olive green? I think it may be the T5's and the 4100 k bulbs kind of the difference between a real sun tan and a fake and bake tan ya know the orange kind?
Man idk .. I got em outside again today and they just look funny. It's. Deep olive green as opposed to a forest green. And the purple stems and veins sure stand out. I never experienced this back in my 20's growing .. umm.. other things under MH.
I really thing it's a light thing in someway. Are you guys all telling me your stuff is a deep olive green?

I dono, I was really surpised at how green it was too.. . it looks normal under the MH light, but then when you take it out and look at it under normal lights, it looks crazy green, like super super dark spinach green.. but more green lol.. I guess it looks like tropical leaves, the ones that look plastic
I dono, I was really surpised at how green it was too.. . it looks normal under the MH light, but then when you take it out and look at it under normal lights, it looks crazy green, like super super dark spinach green.. but more green lol.. I guess it looks like tropical leaves, the ones that look plastic

Yea I wonder if outside light would change them?
I'm sure they would go back to what they normally look like when growing them outside, but... no reason to do that, unless the weather allows it, which by then, it's free light anyways.. so until then.. green is good, it's just super packed with chlorophyll doing overtime
take a look at my wee baby travesties spanky , i would almost kill for the health you have sticking out of your pots... sit back have a brew & pat yourself on the back.. they look sensational

my orange habs arent far off that nice deep green , which are the healthiest plants i have in the ground atm.. IMO the deeper color looks alot healthier than the yellowy/green color my suffering red hab has.
