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seeds Too late to start new seeds?

I'm new at growing peppers, I have some seedlings that are going well, and I just got some more in the mail I'm itching to stick in some dirt.
Down here in Western Australia it's a bit over 2 weeks til summer begins and I have noticed a few post from people in the US thinking its almost time they start their seeds for the 2011 season!! I assume they will get them going inside ready to be transplanted out after the last frost etc... If they are thinking to start now it should be 6 months opposite to me.
Our summers are long, hot and dry where I live so is it too late to start some seeds now and expect a good sized harvest before winter? From what I have read chiles take a long time to set pods and mature them.
I have only a few seeds of Dorset Naga, Trinidad Scorpion and Yellow 7 Pots which I don't want to plant if I'm not going to get any pods from them at the end.
Does anyone know my climate and if I should go for it?
For C. Chinense it usually takes me 6-7 months until they are producing. I start them from the beginning to the middle of February. I plant them outside in the middle of May. They start to produce decently around the end of August.
Okay - let's start with the fact that I've never been to Perth. However, if the info on this page is pretty accurate, it seems you could start some early- to mid-season seeds now, and have some early pods later in the summer and then into the fall. If you're talking about late-season producers, however, I'd have a plan for bringing the plants indoors, unless you're talking about a whole bunch of them, to which I'd say start them in the winter for next year's grow season. Hopefully someone else from your area will chime in on the subject... best of luck to you.
For C. Chinense it usually takes me 6-7 months until they are producing. I start them from the beginning to the middle of February. I plant them outside in the middle of May. They start to produce decently around the end of August.

im like josh in that i know Bhuts,Hab and Birdseye types as well as a few others are a bit slow in setting pods, so i start them at the end of January sometime, this way there nice and big when i transplant them outside, its not just because of the time till maturity but planting this early can also offset much of the transplant shock factors you run into when you first put them outside, larger plants tend to acclimate better, at least this has been my experience, i had an exceptional year this year doing just this, in fact i had plants fruit weeks before others i know, i started getting Habs and a few Yellow Bhuts in i believe end of June to early July, i was very happy about this

yes Mega we do start them inside and depending on where your talking about we have great soil, my area in PENNSYLVANIA and NEW JERSEY where josh is from ,is wonderful and i constantly compost, i dont throw anything away, coffee grounds, tea bags,yerba mate grounds,cuttings from the kitchen,grass,,leaves anything organic and i use Epsom salt and it works excellently!!

but i have to say i would trade alot of this to have the longer summers like you Aussies do, although im not sure when you should start them sorry, but i do imagine starting the earlier the better

thanks your friend joe
Well thats all I need. I was going to plant them unless I got everyone replying NO DON"T DO IT!!! They're going in the pots today. I might even try some as Hydros since I'm feeling adventurous.
Well thats all I need. I was going to plant them unless I got everyone replying NO DON"T DO IT!!! They're going in the pots today. I might even try some as Hydros since I'm feeling adventurous.

If you have seeds and space to burn why not. Your winter seems fairly mild. If it is only a few plants, lugging them inside on cold nights won't be too bad.
I have one cupboard inside to start seeds and enough outside space for pots or maybe even another garden bed if I feel like a bit of work. Outside is planned to become larger soon, when the landlord gets round to it. Sadly the inside is bursting at the seams and there is no room for lugging in on a cold night. It was quite a bit of work to squeeze the one grow cupboard out of the wife! I have plans floating around my head to construct a greenhouse/hotframe outside at the end of summer so I can keep them going. Got a few months to sort that one out though

Our weather is AWESOME!!! Seriously I have travelled to many places in the world and I recommend (to people I like) to move to Australia. :cool:
Go for it, I have planted in January and February 2004 in Gingin (85kms north of Perth) and overwintered them in the hot house and got the best plants and best crop ever. I planted them out the following october and the were awesome. I wondered a bit the other day when I saw the thread on when you should pot up because these ones were in half litre bags until I planted them out in October and they grew so well once released into the garden.
If I could figure out how to post pics to the forum I would. I grew about 1500 varieties that year but then got really sick and lost all of my dried seed to rats and mice whice I was in hospital.

Ones planted now should pod up well before winter 2011. just have a plan to bring them in or cover them plastic cloches in case we get those early frosts again like we did this year but that was first week of July so thats 6 and a half months away.
Hello ppl , I to was wondering if its ok to start seeds this late in the summer , but i then thought what the heck i can simply buy more seeds from neil next season.
By the way were abouts in perth do you live im in mindarie north of perth and only about 20 min drive from gin gin?
Here is a story for you, last week i bought six habaneros from bunnings, got them home and potted them up out the front of my house , then when i walked around the back to get the trolly .
Somone walked in my front yard and took the lot, you must be hard up to steal a chilli plant.
That's really wierd!!! stealing six habaneros from the front of someones house! They must live close to you, those habs are probably growing a few houses away right now. BTW it wasn't me, I live south, closer to Rockingham than Mindarie.
I just bought six habaneros from bunnings too :eek: a few weeks ago now. I just couldn't wait for my seeds to get really going.
I'm trying to post a pic but photobucket is down for some reason, They obviously do site maintenance at 4 am. I'm up cos of sick kids :sick:
Ok now its working

The four on the left were in a four pack and the other two were singles, I wanted to get different stock. I only noticed after i got them back that the four pack and the one on the far right were from the same nursery. The second one in from the right was different and it shows in its better growth!
I pinched the buds off the small one in the middle to try and make it grow taller before it fruited but its still tiny.
Really looking forward to a large load of orange habs, they have lots of buds branching off at the top. I will pot up larger soon to try and get them big.
I have one cupboard inside to start seeds and enough outside space for pots or maybe even another garden bed if I feel like a bit of work. Outside is planned to become larger soon, when the landlord gets round to it. Sadly the inside is bursting at the seams and there is no room for lugging in on a cold night. It was quite a bit of work to squeeze the one grow cupboard out of the wife! I have plans floating around my head to construct a greenhouse/hotframe outside at the end of summer so I can keep them going. Got a few months to sort that one out though

Our weather is AWESOME!!! Seriously I have travelled to many places in the world and I recommend (to people I like) to move to Australia. :cool:

if your not into lugging them in and out all the time

try AJI SPECIES AND ROCOTO they handle weather extremes a bit better , but again start them inside and acclimate them slowly to outside conditions and after awhile you may not need to bring them in anymore, that is if your winters are mild, these species can handle the cold well

hey i hope this helps thanks your friend Joe
you could grow out some annuums for a quick pepper fix =D

jalapenos, hot wax peppers and such.

this is also a good idea, i have seeds for an omni-color species (NON AJI TYPE and is cap Annuum) that was the first to fruit for me and much earlier than everything else, and they didnt taste to bad either they where a little hot
thanks Joe

if you wanna see a pic pm me and i can give you my email so i can send yopu a pic

this plant was stunning in its looks and super prolific!!

would love to share some with you

thanks your friend joe
I am growing some Aji Lemon plants right now. I can definitely believe they are quick growing because they are the biggest of my seedlings.
Despite just getting a whole lot of seeds in the mail I think I am finally done sowing for this season, because I have more than enough going to keep me busy.
But then again..... the vareities I just got are sooooo cool, and I have been after them for a long time.
And I just got some canning equipment and a dehydrator so an overflow of pods can be handled.
I'm getting more tempted as I type........ I suppose I could squeeze a bit more room out my backyard..... :think:
I am growing some Aji Lemon plants right now. I can definitely believe they are quick growing because they are the biggest of my seedlings.
Despite just getting a whole lot of seeds in the mail I think I am finally done sowing for this season, because I have more than enough going to keep me busy.
But then again..... the vareities I just got are sooooo cool, and I have been after them for a long time.
And I just got some canning equipment and a dehydrator so an overflow of pods can be handled.
I'm getting more tempted as I type........ I suppose I could squeeze a bit more room out my backyard..... :think:
yeah yeah squeeze more out!!! i did and i was not sorry, i had so much this year that all my attempts to deal with it all failed, but then again i never made so many friends,ah yes the gift of hot peppers priceless to a fellow chilehead, i had 69 confirmed species this year in a 25X20 ft plot,i couldnt get to all of them fast enough before the frost hit and could not get a scrape of help picking so i ended up composing a pile of them that got damaged by the frost sad shame but i now have a freezer,cupbord and cabinat full of peppers and my wife is getting really upset we havnt gone shopping for any frozen in a few monts theres just no room!!, all in you wont be sorry go for it

thanks your friend joe
Where is allentown? I know the Billy Joel song but is it a real place?

Oh and where I live we rarely get frosts. The productive growing season should extend into Autumn. Last year I had a tiny green capsicum plant in the front garden which looked like it died over winter but then perked up and chucked out a few pods. I eventually pulled it up out of spite for its refusal to die!!
according to our friend google, capsicum baccatums like aji limon take about 6-7 months. from seed to first harvest.

annuums are the earliest ones to mature and form pods. if you're looking into a quick harvest of peppers, look into "early" varieties. =D
megamoo, can you tell me what type of soil you mix up and were do you buy it from , im finding it hard to get decent soil other than cheap potting mix and its just all pine bark, and yes i got the same 4 pack and 4 singles.
i have also started some bhut jolokias from the hippy seed company, so im hoping they go well when they sprout.
i have just been buying prof potting mix and adding organic potting mix to it , do you have any tips for soil that i can buy from perth, i have to pot them in pots as i sold my house and im now renting?
megamoo, can you tell me what type of soil you mix up and were do you buy it from , im finding it hard to get decent soil other than cheap potting mix and its just all pine bark, and yes i got the same 4 pack and 4 singles.
i have also started some bhut jolokias from the hippy seed company, so im hoping they go well when they sprout.
i have just been buying prof potting mix and adding organic potting mix to it , do you have any tips for soil that i can buy from perth, i have to pot them in pots as i sold my house and im now renting?

I have a ute so I recently got half a scoop of what the landscape place called "blend 66" which had all sorts of stuff in it. The chilie plants I have potted in it look like they are struggling a bit, I think its too compact with small particles and not enough large ones air pockets. I used one of those coir potting mix blocks cos it looked like fun :rofl: I expanded it out and put layers with the 66 in some bigger pots and that seems to be ok, but its still too early to tell.

If you have only a few pots and want bags then Debco do a potting mix which is good. For the next pot up I'm going to mix in some perlite and coconut coir to fluff it out a bit a let some more air in and maybe something else. Don't take my advice like I'm experienced though, I'm still experimenting and its the first time I've ever thought about mixing up soil. Getting one of those big bags of pinebark mulch is worth it too cos pots dry out so quickly.