As in how I rank them or what they are from left to right? Like the tapped pumpkin?I see Saranac! They missed that one on the list, in my opinion.
Can you post your order?
I disagree, enjoy your anchor steam.Flavors in beer like that are sacrilege!
Flavors in beer like that are sacrilege!
I disagree, enjoy your anchor steam.
It's not like taking beer and adding flavor, these beers are brewed with the flavors, so open up your mind and try one.
the first beers never had hops in them! they would have had fruits ,spices,honey,diffrent plantsand spices,anything to have some "flavor"in fact some of the first beer we know about was rice and fruit,the rice was malted unlike the mold method they use for sake. so there you have it one could argue that beer was meant to have flavorI don't drink that stuff.
I have and I don't like them. Why do you think I mention Arrogant Bastard so much?
I like beer the way it was meant to be... hops, barley and water. Leave the flavors for the wine people. That's my opinion.
The colonist used pumpkin alot because the lack of barley. So you could say it's patriotic.