trade Trades anyone?

so, I have a list of Supers that I am growing, but looking for something that my wife might enjoy... Looking for Bishop's Crown, Golden Aji, Rocoto, or some Superhot Thai Demon. I have to trade: Yellow Bhut, Butch T's, Yellow Scorp, Moruga Scorp, Naga Morich, Orange Habs, and Red Congos...
Can anyone help me here? HOLLA!

oh yea, I have Choc Bhut, Choc Hab, Bhut Indian Carbon, and yellow 7's too...
Hola :) I have Bishops crown, Aji Colorado, Criolla Sella, Chupetinho(medium hot) if you want them pm me

(Edit for spelling)
"Chupetinho", which has the correct name Biquinho", do not have any burning, even zero.
The burning has called "Peito de Moca (breast girl)", identical to Biquinho (pout) but with burning,
Big Hug
