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"Traditional" Caribbean pepper sauce

Hi again everyone, 

I got in a couple lbs. of fresh scotch bonnet pods from Flordia and couldn't wait to make a sauce, so I tried my first ever non-fermented sauce (don't worry i saved a quarts worth for fermenting which will make the same sauce just 2 months down the road). 

I went with a "traditional" Caribbean pepper sauce this time (trying something new). I say "traditional" bc im just going by what ive read online. If anyone is from the islands please please critique my sauce. 

This sauce ended up being HOT. Makes me sweat and cry a little, and i have a good tolerance. It's even hotter than ghost pepper sauces that ive made in the past, i usually ferment so that mellows out the sauce a lot.

so here the ingredients if anyone wants to replicate:
1.5 lbs Jamaican scotch bonnets 
1 lb  habaneros 
2 large red bell peppers 
half bunch of cilantro 
1 spoon full of cumin 
few spoon fulls salt 
2 spoon fulls black pepper 
lime zest and juice of 2 limes
white vinegar (~200-300 mL)
1 mango 
1 carrot 
1 sweet onion 
12 cloves garlic 
small pinch of Xanthan gum
2 spoon fulls of brown sugar 

ingredients blended and cooked at ~100C for 45 minutes and put into boiled bottles and inverted to sanitize caps! i didnt boil caps this time, just cleaned with acid. This recipe gave me 12, 5oz. bottles. 

Thanks for reading!! 



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Wrex said:
Thanks for reading!! 

Maybe this will help with the sideways pix?

It is the stored EXIF Data that causes this.

Even if you don't have an iPhone (And this article talks about email orientation.), this is helpful, Why iPhone pictures flip when emailed, and how to fix it and LifeWire-How to Fix a Digital Photo Turned Sideways(Rotate pictures that display sideways online)

Our intrepid leader posted this helpful hint.

Why iPhone pictures flip when emailed, and how to fix it

LifeWire-How to Fix a Digital Photo Turned Sideways(Rotate pictures that display sideways online)
i needed more peppers than i had in bonnets. 

would use only bonnets if i had a ton. flavor is better. 

I would consider them pretty similar peppers though 
Looks wonderful. I made some several years ago and was planning on making it again later this year.
I am in no way from the Islands, but my understanding is that to be truly authentic, instead of cilantro, you would need to use Shado Beni (aka culantro, Mexican coriander, thorny coriander, sawtooth herb, recao or ngò gai).  However, as that is hard to find, cilantro is the best substitute.  I have occasionally found it at Asian markets.  Because I cannot count on finding Shado Beni in a market I bought some seeds earlier this year and will be planting them later this spring.