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Transferring from mason jars to woozies?

Hi all. Finally got some woozie bottles in, and am not sure of what to do regarding transferring my sauces from the mason jars they're in into the woozies. I know I'll have to sterilise the woozies beforehand, but my main question is do I need to reheat the sauce back up to 195f before transferring? Or am I safe to transfer straight over having already heated them to temp once already? 
Heating it up wouldn't hurt. Unless you're willing to drop some coin for a filler or something, just get yourself a small funnel and pour it in. Fair warning though, be sure to do so in a sink or somewhere with easy clean up just in case of accidents. In my first go at it, it was only by a miracle I only spilled a few drops. But now that I got a Handy Filler coming, it'll be MUCH easier. 
For the sake of Safety lets define what reheat means, I'd hate for a new sauce maker to do it wrong and get sick from it.
Reheating should be:
   Dump all jars of sauce back into a big enough pot to hold it and bring it to a boil. 
   Reduce to and hold sauce at at least 195 dF for minimum of 15 minutes.
   Hot pack, do not allow the sauce in the pot to drop below 185 dF, into sterile woozies.
   Add reducers, if using them, and cap.
   Invert so sauce touches the cap for a minimum of 15 minutes.
   Add heat shrink and labels if using them
and enjoy :) 