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Transplant Setup


I have been doing things the hard way over the past 7 or 8 years and this year, the back and shoulder strain caused by standing or sitting while transplanting has gone to the limit...

I was thinking of an easier way (on the body) to transplant so...I came up with this made out of scrap...

Easy Peasy...

cut a hole 15 1/4" X 20" in a piece of plywood....


Bus tray for potting mix slips in the hole...


resting my elbows on the edge of the bus tray takes 90% of the strain off my back and shoulders...it may not bother you young bucks out there, but I feel the pain and don't like to hurt...this is very comfortable to me...


for those that only transplant a few plants, it is not worth the effort to make one of these, but when you transplant hundreds of plants, you may need something similar..
Nice work station you have there. I'm starting to feel the effects of repetitive stress and strain on the body. I wish through the years I had worked smarter like you are doing. I guess young and dumb is forgivable, just paying for it now. :)
We use a "similar" setup ( no seat :( ), but we have source tray on left ( plants to be potted on ), empty tray on right ( destination tray ), and empty pots behind your compost.

great idea. someday i hope to have a set-up as nice as yours. i also wish that my plants looked 1/2 as good as yours!
Good thinking AJ, but you should have installed a cup holder for a beer. That way you can alleviate the 10% of back and shoulder strain.
Great Idea! I was just transplanting last night and my lower back was killing me..and im only 39 :)
Good luck and happy growing
I dont have a whole lot to transplant but this looks like something my back would love. Thanks for this and all the other ideas you have come up with!
I konw what you're talking about AJ, I have to sit in my wheelchair to do the same task. But as you said, it makes things a lot easier. It's all good my friend.