• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trent's 2014 Grow Log - COLD COLD COLD

Figure I'll keep track 2014 on here. At least then all my data will be in one place instead of scattered around on slips of paper.
First; PSA.
I'll *never* use the Jiffy starting pods / soil again.
I lost 95% of the plants in these two trays:

The roots wouldn't form. They couldn't get any nutrients out of the soil, whatsoever, and tried to suck what they could from the layers of paper. 
Burpee trays with compressed peat were planted 3 weeks later and within 3 weeks were quadruple in size.
Finished transplanting all sprouts on Saturday (4-5-2014).


I might lose a couple transplants but here's the current count (all in 3" paper cups)
7 pod Barrackpore - qty 6
7 pod Brain Strain, Yellow - qty 5 
7 pod Brain Strain, Red - qty 11
7 pod Chaguanas - qty 7
7-pod Jonah - qty 4
7-pod Long - qty 11
7-pod Original Red - qty 7
7-pod Primo - Qty 3
Bhut Jolokia (brown) - Qty 2
Bhut Jolokia (indian carbon) - qty 6
Bhut Jolokia (red) - qty 9
Bhut Jolokia (yellow) - qty 7
Bhut Jolokia (white) - qty 6
Brown Moruga - qty 6
Carolina reaper - qty 23
Cayenne (Sweet) - qty 3
Cayenne (large) - qty 6
Chili de Abrol - qty 10
True Cumari - qty 1
Datil - qty 3
Dedo De Moca - qty 3
Dorset Naga - qty 3
Fatali, Yellow - qty 4
Giant mexican Rocoto - qty 4
Goats weed - qty 3
Habanero (big sun) - qty 8
Habanero (chocolate) - all died / no sprouts
Habanero (orange) - qty 4
Jalapeno (black) - qty 8 
Jalapeno (early) - qty 14
Jalapeno (giant) - qty 15
Mako Akokosrade - qty 3
Naga Morich (orig) - qty 6
Naga Morich (monster naga) - qty 3
Naga morich (bombay morich) - qty 6
Pimenta de Neyde - qty 3
Tobago (seasoning) - all died
Tobago Scotch Bonnet (red) - qty 3
Tobago Scotch Bonnet (yellow) - qty 5
Trinidad Scorpion (butch T) - qty 8
Trinidad Scorpion (Cardi) - qty 4
Trinidad scorpion (douglah) - qty 3
Trinidad scorpion Moruga - qty 7
Trinidad scorpion (orig) - qty 3
Trinidad scorpion (PI 281317) - qty 3
Trinidad Scorpion (smooth) - qty 1
Trinidad Scorpion (yellow) - qty 4
PI 281429 - qty 1
surviving overwinters in large pots:
7-Pod (orig) - qty 1
Bhut Jolokia (red) - qty 2
Bhut Jolokia (giant) - qty 1
Yellow Bhut jolokia - qty 2
Carolina Reaper - qty 4
Cayenne - qty 1
habanero (golden) - qty 3
habanero (tazmanian) - qty 3
Naga morich - qty 1
naga Viper - qty 2
Trinidad Scorpion - qty 1
Butch-T Trinidad - qty 2
Trinidad scorpion moruga - qty 3
Yatsufusa - qty 1
Scotch Bonnet (red) - qty 1 (sole 2012 survivor)
Total 3" pot transplants: 264
Total overwinters surviving: 28
Wow! I can't believe 37° in mid September. It's going to be a nipplely winter.
Well they blew the forecast big time down here, was supposed to be 85°, woke up to 64° and it's still just 69°. A nice break before the 90's return in a few days.
Devv said:
Wow! I can't believe 37° in mid September. It's going to be a nipplely winter.
Well they blew the forecast big time down here, was supposed to be 85°, woke up to 64° and it's still just 69°. A nice break before the 90's return in a few days.
man, you aren't kidding. The last winter was bad. This one will make it look mild.
It was SNOWING the night before last here. F'n SNOWING. It didn't stick, but there was definitely trace snowfall precipitation.  
Peppers are holding in there; not sure what damage has been done or how long it'll take to see the result. But I've got pod drop, leaf drop galore. I haven't had the stomach to go document it with pictures, but have to pick the second half of the garden later today. Might grab a few then.
The cold has done some incredibly bad things to my plants... I tried to pick the other night and every leaf I touched - even softly, fell right the hell off. If we had a strong wind, I'd have nothing but stalks out there.

They aren't WILTING (yet) so I'm assuming they'll survive, just need a few days of warmth to get those leaves to more firmly reattach themselves. Constricted vascular systems from the cold has left them incredibly brittle.
Sucks to hear that Trent.  Hopefully you will get some warmer weather out there.  We are supposed to hit the mid 70's again this weekend, I hope it stops by you guys in the midwest first.
TrentL said:
The cold has done some incredibly bad things to my plants... I tried to pick the other night and every leaf I touched - even softly, fell right the hell off. If we had a strong wind, I'd have nothing but stalks out there.
They aren't WILTING (yet) so I'm assuming they'll survive, just need a few days of warmth to get those leaves to more firmly reattach themselves. Constricted vascular systems from the cold has left them incredibly brittle.
Wow sorry to hear that.  You must have gotten a bit colder over there.  I had 2 plants with noticible leaf drop, but only 2.  No big deal as I was tired of picking those mako akorsides I got from you.  They were good, but i think 400+ pods was enough already.  But that one still has a lot of leaves and a couple hundred more pods so might get some more.  Lost almost every leaf on goronong for some reason, but thats fine.  Didn't really care for it and only a couple pods were left.   I did some picking last night and didn't notice anything further falling really.  A few but given that when I walk through the jungle i am usually breaking branches and bending them like crazy just to get through wasn't really out of the ordinary.
With us living in the country, in thick woods, it's usually a few degrees cooler here than it would be in town. The garden starts getting full shade by 5 PM, with 80+ foot trees on all sides of the property. That gives it a head start on the "cool down" compared to open sun. We also don't have any large blocks of pavement nearby to hold heat like you would in town (parking lots, etc).
The plants were looking OK today and I gave a couple tugs on a few leaves as I walked past this evening, they seemed to be holding on much better.
good to hear that your plants are better now Trent.... damn you had some cold days huh?
here we've hit 8°C (46°F) twice last week, but this week is better ... 12°C (54°F) in the morning and around 20°C (68°F) during the day..... everyday
peppers are ripening, so I think everything is OK.... leaves are slightly yellowing on some plants, but that's kinda normal I figure, when a lot of energy goes into the pods right now
I have the most unbelievable story to share when I finally get a chance.
In the meantime... this picture is all I have time to show...

*Everything* in life just took an unexpected turn. Most people get the better part of 9 months to prepare for a "new arrival."
I had less than 1 day's notice.
More later.... have to let some legal dust settle before I can talk about it.
This ought to be an interesting story. Bring us up to speed when you can, in the mean time, looks like you will be a bit busy.
Long story short;
Mentally disabled sister had a baby. Zero warning, no one knew (except her, apparently).
State of IL social services intervened and was going to put the baby in foster care.

So my wife and I filed for adoption.
Had one day to decide if we were going to adopt a new baby and care for it for the next 18 years.. 48 hours to prepare, and wham. We're taking care of a newborn.

Been an interesting 2 weeks!!!!