• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Tried some Mad Dog 357 CE today. Question about it now.

staffing said:
Isn't Jersey Death supposed to be a bit hotter than Mega Death?

Just curious. I try extracts from time to time, but they all have that underlying extract taste....a burnt, chemical taste...that takes the fun out of them. The only extract sauce I've had that didn't have that taste was Defcon 0.

BTW, is Firehouse a new deli in Memphis? haven't lived there in 10 years, but I knew all the good deli's.

Yes Jersey Death is hotter than Mega Death. Tastes a lot better though too. Right on about the Zero. Going back to the original questions, Mad Dog 357 is listed as 600,000 but also says it contains 4million extract. If you do not seriously shake it up you may get a mouthful of that. Besides how can they possibly make sure that each bottle gets an equal amount of the extract? That would explain both the heat and the nasty taste. I would echo a few other's comments. Go with Defcon Zero for a cleaner, non metallic taste, or Black Mamba.
JayT said:
Yes Jersey Death is hotter than Mega Death. Tastes a lot better though too. Right on about the Zero. Going back to the original questions, Mad Dog 357 is listed as 600,000 but also says it contains 4million extract. If you do not seriously shake it up you may get a mouthful of that. Besides how can they possibly make sure that each bottle gets an equal amount of the extract? That would explain both the heat and the nasty taste. I would echo a few other's comments. Go with Defcon Zero for a cleaner, non metallic taste, or Black Mamba.

On my bottle of 357 mad dog ce it's write :made with 6 000 000 SHU extract ? not 4 000 000shu ...maybe we dont talk about the same
No offense intended to anyone here but the only use that I have found for Blairs mega death and Daves insanity is diluted in water to keep the possums and pests off my plants at the shop. I just plain and simple think they taste grosse it just my opinion mind you. I just don'tlike those type sauces Rainbowberry is right yes its hot but it dosn't taste like fresh chillis it tastes like you just licked a battery lol.
stillmanz said:
No offense intended to anyone here but the only use that I have found for Blairs mega death and Daves insanity is diluted in water to keep the possums and pests off my plants at the shop. I just plain and simple think they taste grosse it just my opinion mind you. I just don'tlike those type sauces Rainbowberry is right yes its hot but it dosn't taste like fresh chillis it tastes like you just licked a battery lol.

I agree, Stillmanz. A vast majority of extract sauces have that extract aftertaste that overrides all other flavors. It's hard to get past that. While the heat is intense, I also eat for flavor.
The good thing about naga's (and from what I understand, the trinidad scorpions....gotta get some seeds) we have a means of upping the heat without destroying the taste of a well-crafted sauce.
That, and hopefully, the Creator will flood the market with mass-produced "zero".

I understand you make a mean hot sauce, Stillmanz....if you're selling the stuff, shoot me an email to the link. I'd like to try it.
I had billy boys naga concentrate this was the hottest thing I have ever eaten it made megadeath and Insanity seem like tomatoe sauce. and there was flavour. naga flavour like a punch in the face... its a smell you don't forget easy lol....
"That, and hopefully, the Creator will flood the market with mass-produced "zero"."

Believe me, we're working on it. It's just the massive time consumption to make it.
DEFCON Creator said:
"That, and hopefully, the Creator will flood the market with mass-produced "zero"."

Believe me, we're working on it. It's just the massive time consumption to make it.

Understood. I'm patient.;)
stillmanz said:
No offense intended to anyone here but the only use that I have found for Blairs mega death and Daves insanity is diluted in water to keep the possums and pests off my plants at the shop. I just plain and simple think they taste grosse it just my opinion mind you. I just don'tlike those type sauces Rainbowberry is right yes its hot but it dosn't taste like fresh chillis it tastes like you just licked a battery lol.

It really tastes nothing like a battery, Ive tasted those. I think they were really meant to be additives to dishes. I cooked some chili today and added a good table spoon of Daves to it and it tasted like the chili but hotter.