Trinidad grower claims 1millionSHU with scorpion

I'm from Trinidad, in the papers today a local agri group CARDI
has claimed that they have been growing and refining Trinidad peppers and that their scorpion is in the 1 million SHU category. They also note that peppers from other parts of the world cannot compare with this heat.

Note: earlier this year I contacted them and asked them if I could get seeds or see the work and what they were growing since scorpion and 7pod were in high demand everywhere, their response was that I should check the local markets.

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You know, until all these hotties are grown together under the same growing conditions and then tested at the same reputable lab, we won't ever know which is really the hottest.

From the article:
these varieties can be classed as “industrial strength” peppers because of their ability to be used in commercial products such as: marine boat paints, pepper spray and medicines.

Marine boat paint?
Pam said:
You know, until all these hotties are grown together under the same growing conditions and then tested at the same reputable lab, we won't ever know which is really the hottest.

From the article:

Marine boat paint?

Ya, they use it for bottom paint on boats to keep all the nasties from growing on them. It is supposed to work better then the "toxic" additives from times past.
Slinter said:
Ya, they use it for bottom paint on boats to keep all the nasties from growing on them. It is supposed to work better then the "toxic" additives from times past.

Ok, learn something new every day.
lennyk said:
I'm from Trinidad, in the papers today a local agri group CARDI has claimed that they have been growing and refining Trinidad peppers and that their scorpion is in the 1 million SHU category. They also note that peppers from other parts of the world cannot compare with this heat.

As my Maine Grandfather was wont to say: "Words will hold still for anybody."
Many growers I talked to this year find the Trinidad Scorpion hotter than Nagas but mine seem slightly less hot. Also the "stinger" or "tail" on these peppers is not always present. I've got some Cappuccino habs this year that are hotter than both but mostly heat, little flavour. One fellow reportedly got instant hiccups after trying one of these.:lol:
Peppers by Post is claiming that their Dorset Nagas are likely around 1.5 million scovilles this year with their great growing weather, but of course they are going to say that.
We are growing Trinidad Scorpions, Bhut Joalika, Naga Morich, Naga Dorset, Naga PC-1 And 7- pod. And we,ve found the Trinidad scorpion
Seem to be the hottest of all them.
But I agree you need to grow them all in the exact same conditions
to see which is hottest.
But as of now we say the Trinidad Scorpions are the hottest. But not much for flavor.

kato said:
We are growing Trinidad Scorpions, Bhut Joalika, Naga Morich, Naga Dorset, Naga PC-1 And 7- pod.

What do you think about the 7-pod? I'm intrigued by the few references I've seen to it. I'm not after the absolute hottest except as a curiosity, I'm more interested in something that will add flavor to dishes. Do you have any pictures of it?
We have received scorpion pods from a few different growers in Florida, Mississippi, and Wisconsin what i meant about not much flavor is it has flavor but is overridden by the heat.

kato said:
We have received scorpion pods from a few different growers in Florida, Mississippi, and Wisconsin what i meant about not much flavor is it has flavor but is overridden by the heat.


OK i will buy that answer.:mouthonfire: and agree the heat does squelch the flavour a bit.
I'm growing all the super hot peppers, including T.Scorpion and 7Pod.
Although it's difficult to say which is hotter "by taste" (even because you must wait sometimes after every taste :lol:) I found 7Pod more "powerful" than other superhot.

However it's impossible to say last word without HPLC tests on pods grown in the same conditions.

Besids heat level, should be very interesting to known something more about this peppers ...
Some weeks ago I send an email to Herman Adams and he send me some data sheets with "standard" properties of pods of T.Scorpion and 7Pod, but no other info (at this moment).

Lennyk, you're from Trinidad, who better than you can give us some other info ? :)
Pam said:
You know, until all these hotties are grown together under the same growing conditions and then tested at the same reputable lab, we won't ever know which is really the hottest.

From the article:

Marine boat paint?

I have all three growing here now,too. IMO the scorpion
is the hottest:mouthonfire:, but the 7 pod has a different, longer lasting burn:mouthonfire::),and the Naga's
are right there with them:mouthonfire:

The CARDI people who are developing the Scorpion here in Trinidad say they are goingto submit it for testing to challenge the Guinness record