Trinidad grower claims 1millionSHU with scorpion

The bottom line, there's always a hotter strain. In the end, we all will have our insides disintegrated from capsaicin!!! :onfire:

I truly believe Scorpion pepper may beat Bih Jolokia, but I won't be able to tell side-by-side because I have no taste receptors left after biting them. lol.

FYI, there appears to be "multiple" strains of Trinidad Scorpion too. Same as Nagas.

And so it continues,:cool: My son, a very experenced pod
eater( he can eat regular Habs like most can eat black
pepper!) visited this past weekend and during our visit
in the pepper garden I threw him a Scorpion to taste, he said
it was "good", a few minutes later I gave him a 7 pod, he
took a bite and 60 seconds later threw the pod on the ground
and said "now thats Hot:mouthonfire:!" He actually had tears in his eye's! I couldn't get him to try the Naga's, maybe next time;)
but I know where his vote is going!

Tigahb8 said:
And so it continues,:lol: My son, a very experenced pod
eater( he can eat regular Habs like most can eat black
pepper!) visited this past weekend and during our visit
in the pepper garden I threw him a Scorpion to taste, he said
it was "good", a few minutes later I gave him a 7 pod, he
took a bite and 60 seconds later threw the pod on the ground
and said "now thats Hot:mouthonfire:


So you say have scorpion and 7 pod eh......
I could use a few of each those seeds (or pods if its easier) if you are willing to give some up. ;):lol:
Me too, I live in Trinidad but cant get a verified version of these
So you say have scorpion and 7 pod eh......
I could use a few of each those seeds (or pods if its easier) if you are willing to give some up. :lol::lol:
lennyk said:
Me too, I live in Trinidad but cant get a verified version of these

it seems the desire for these hot little devils (including 7 pods) is inversely proportionate to their availability. this is surprising given that the bhut jolokia is widely available and has recorded the hottest temperature of any chile so far yet heat lovers are going rabid over trying to obtain sevens and scorpions...

that's not to say that I would also love to get my hands on some seven seed!