Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow AISPES Pods

I'm growing some of the subject plants for the first time this year. I currently have three plants growing and all three are producing different looking pods.

Plant #1:

This one is on the extreme end for tail growing in some cases almost dividing the pepper in half. Looking at the forward pod in the second picture this is what a lot of the pods look like. Including the dark ring in the middle. It was NOT caused by the remains of a flower sticking to the pod.



Plant #2:

This plant has pods that have little consistency in shape, like a lot of Trinidad Scorpions.



More to come......
And finally Plant #3.

This one is producing pods that the AISPES folks are looking for. Large, round pods with that scorpion stinger. The pods on this plant are very consistent. This is the one plant I am isolating for seeds.


Those last pods look scary :hell: (real nice) and they are certainly different from the others. Will be interesting to see how they ripen, sure producing nice.
You got scammed... they're green, not yellow!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Kinda like what Mr Duffy said eh?Really pod variation though!The last ones look mean!

Great pics Patrick

I have 7 of plant #3 types and all very large "a few 4 ft". They're great producers with tremendous flavor and texture!! The heat isn't half bad either. Definitely one to keep on the grow list year after year!!
Looks awesome Patrick!! Yeah the third sure is bumpy and mean looking! The first one looks pretty bumpy on the bottom half so maybe the top will catch up.
Thanks for the kinds words everyone.

SuperHot, All three of my plants came from the same packet of seeds. Did all of yours come from the same packet?
If you get the kind of pod they are looking for, do you send those
seeds back to AISPES?

Yes I believe I do. I'm not sure if we're supposed to keep any for ourselves or not. The AISPES folks are trying to stabilize these so if the folks who grew them out kept some it would probably defeat the purpose. Sounds strange I know but it's for the greater good and I agreed to their rules when I joined. I'm happy to do it in fact.
Thanks for the kinds words everyone.

SuperHot, All three of my plants came from the same packet of seeds. Did all of yours come from the same packet?

Yes they did and the germination rates were fabulous as well. I'm thinking that mine are more stable and yours are from earlier versions of this species. I can set aside some seeds for you if you want?

I got mine from the UK.
While I love the size of the pods I grew from my plants of this variety, Patrick YOURS look how I want them too. :) I wanted long stingers. I like plant #1!!

Something tells me there are going to be a lot of yellow scorpions going around.

Thanks all for the comments, information, and offers.