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video Trinidad Scorpion Video

thanks all, I am just very fortunate to have a relative that is still farming and is willing to grow some for me...

I seen a lot of red, are the ripe ones getting picked? Is there a machine that can do it or is it done by hand? You're going to be swimming in them bro.

One of my dreams is to be in a bathtub full of peppers with nothing but my head showing. You want to help a guy reach a dream? :crazy:

they are all hand picked...I got one or two crews I use when I go down and harvest...the only thing is they cull a little heavy...I got to talk to them about that...

That is one beautiful sight sir. I hate those Potato vines. Have them growing in my back yard. No matter how much you cut them back they take over... Keep up the great grow. :woohoo:

the vines are definitely hurting my harvests but I see no other option at this point...next year (if I repeat this venture) I will tend them myself..

I name thee Mississippi's National Trinidad Scorpion Woods & Historical Landmark, AKA, "The Woods". let it be known all throughout the United States of America and the world, that these woods are sacred and hold mighty knowledge given to us by our Lord. those who wish to harm the woods will feel the full extent of his wrath. behold and fear The Woods!

Good vid... good vid indeed!

thanks Omri..."The Woods"...I like that...

WOW...just wow. I've had very good results with worm castings but nothing 7+ feet tall. Maybe I will try growing in ground next year...

the plants are this big for several reasons...first off is the temperature and humidity...both high at this time but it cools off at night into the mid to low 70s usually with a heavy dew every morning...then there is the soil...this land is some of the richest sandy/loamy soil in the world...then there is the part about my cousin knowing how to grow vegetables...when it's your living, I suppose you max out each variable..

Wow thats insane! my pepper plants would look tiny beside those monsters

mine at home are small too...
3 more months of production....holy carp!...that's the middle of football season..I'd like to see a shot of the branching on plant or two at the very end of your grow, looks like your plants have a nice crown (shape)with many shoots, very shrub like, very nice. Some of my taller Scorps. are growing conical shaped with 3 to 4 main canes. Did you prune at all when the plants were small?...in any case what a beautiful sight to see!
3 more months of production....holy carp!...that's the middle of football season..I'd like to see a shot of the branching on plant or two at the very end of your grow, looks like your plants have a nice crown (shape)with many shoots, very shrub like, very nice. Some of my taller Scorps. are growing conical shaped with 3 to 4 main canes. Did you prune at all when the plants were small?...in any case what a beautiful sight to see!

thank you...

I am sure I will get some pics at the end of the season...in the mean time, the plants have several main stems at the bottom...some have as many as 10 main shoots...from there they just branch and branch and branch...the main shoots at the bottom actually grow outward at the bottom then up after several inches...this is what gives them support...kinda like outriggers all the way around on a boat...and this is the natural growth, no pruning or topping or anything that didn't happen naturally...

I didn't say it but the rows are on 42" centers and a lot of the plants have grown together between the rows...walking thru them is not really easy 'cause you just can't see and the only reason I CAN walk thru them is every 2 weeks someone walks down the rows pickin'....
Hopefully there is a next year and some more pods.

When are you getting a hammock for between those trees?
1 more ?, Are you going to dig up and overwinter any of those?
Thinking those genetics moved to your house may do well throughout the heat. Especially if they get that sort of canopy early on.
Sweet merciful crap! That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen... well other than my wife on our wedding day. Then again.. lol :)
thanks again all...

Hopefully there is a next year and some more pods.

When are you getting a hammock for between those trees?
1 more ?, Are you going to dig up and overwinter any of those?
Thinking those genetics moved to your house may do well throughout the heat. Especially if they get that sort of canopy early on.

I just hope there will be an next year...but I will tell you...I am working 4 days every two weeks now and if there is a next year I will have to be there more often...am thinking about renting some place to stay...some of the plants are big enough I don't need a hammock...just lay back against the limbs...no overwinters...new plants each year...I tried to pull one up Sunday evening and couldn't even budge it...no tellin' how big the rootballs are...and deep in that soil...these are the same genetics I am growing here at my house...but with humidity levels down around 30-45% and triple digits for the past 41 days straight, my home plants are really suffering..

So, AJ, does this have you thinking about growing in the ground at home yet?

I wish man...if I had that soil here, I would only be growing in the ground...
Yeah those air potato vines are a pain in the "articulation"... You can't let them drop their potatoes from the vines cause they will grow more, you have to cut the vine close to the ground and paint the cut with "Poison Ivy" killer. YOu have to kill the tubor, or it will just continue to grow. THe same with Green Briars.

Peppers look fantastic by the way, 7 ft tall and still growing...
Yeah those air potato vines are a pain in the "articulation"... You can't let them drop their potatoes from the vines cause they will grow more, you have to cut the vine close to the ground and paint the cut with "Poison Ivy" killer. YOu have to kill the tubor, or it will just continue to grow. THe same with Green Briars.

Peppers look fantastic by the way, 7 ft tall and still growing...

thanks for the tip bro..it is plain my cuz wants to plant and forget...and that is cool...next year I will have to make two week trips from plantout until the end of the season...or at least that's what I'm thinkin' right now....I would love to see 9' plants at the end of the season but who knows...the next hurricane could be just a week away...

A maze zing! My little 3 footers look like seedlings now.

yours there in Michigan are bigger than mine in North Texas...mine are pitiful....

Incredible! Well done! =)

thanks man...

:eek: Wow AJ! That truly is amazing! Congrats on your (ridiculously) successful season! You deserve it! :cheers:

TY MM...that hill is still hard to climb...........

That is simply amazazing.

ty very much...
the plants are this big for several reasons...first off is the temperature and humidity...both high at this time but it cools off at night into the mid to low 70s usually with a heavy dew every morning...then there is the soil...this land is some of the richest sandy/loamy soil in the world...then there is the part about my cousin knowing how to grow vegetables...when it's your living, I suppose you max out each variable..

This is telling. Warm weather in long hours in the direct sun with optimum soil conditions, and perfect watering (for me, its every few days) is really all the magic you'll need. Soil conditions can always be duplicated, but only certain states give you ideal chile pepper growing weather in season.

They look fantastic. Keep up the good work (and your cousin too).