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Trinidad Seasoning?

I have a lot of plants producing right now, four of which I had never even tasted. One of the untested are Trinidad Seasoning. Of like 10-15 plants, I am getting some variation on shape, but more uniquely one plant produced dark purple pods:

I haven't seen any pictures or text describing anything but a progression from green to red.

Anyone familiar with these?

By the by, they are absolutely delicious. Chewy, thick walled, sweet little heat bombs.

Any info is appreciated.

By the by, they are absolutely delicious. Chewy, thick walled, sweet little heat bombs.

I was under the impression that the Trinidad Seasoning pepper had no heat and really good flavor....at least the ones I grew were like that....
Those little purple ones, and the ones that are currently red pack a punch along the habanero lines. I ordered and received them as Trinidad Seasoning from Pepper Lover, who seem to specialize in peppers from Trinidad Tobago. My pods look like the picture they have, which are listed under 'very hot'. Their desciption, after rechecking, is spot on to my opinion: http://pepperlover.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=18&Itemid=1.

I was unfamiliar, but what they describe and show is what they are selling, only some of mine turned purple. They are by far one of the best peppers I'm growing. Ahhh, the foibles of common names.
Have grown Tobago Seasoning peppers the last two years. Fairly sizeable plant (3 ft.+) and all the pods have been red, about the size of a hab., somewhat flattened on two sides (like the ones on the right in the picture above, as near as I can tell), very prolific. Nice somewhat sweet "habish" flavor with NO heat. Usually grow a couple of plants each year. Eat them fresh and in salads. Also, have dried and turned into powder. Use it as "filler" when mixing with hot powders, makes a nice blend. Without looking it up this a.m., pretty sure they were procured from Pepperlover and were definately listed as Tobago.
I have one plant as well. Very very prolific, and I also noticed some pod variations, not in color tho. I have about 30 or so on a plant but not one is ripe.
Are you sure the purple ones are ripe? Some peppers can get a purple "suntan" on the green pods but they eventually ripen red.

I was wondering the same thing, my chile de arbol are like that.. some of the pods are purple right now, but they eventually go red.
These are Trinidad Seasoning, not Tobago Seasoning. Trinidad's are high heat in the Hab range, Tobago's sound mild.

These were completely ripe. Chewy and thick walled. All of the others are in the normal progression from green to yellow to orange to red. But for some reason these were purple. Maybe some sort of cross-pollinated seed or something. I am intrigued enough to give Pepper Lover a shout to find out.


Mine are turning out nothing like that. I ordered seeds from Pepperlover.com as well. Heres a pic of what they are lookin like.
+1 AJ, I assumed they had no heat either!
But I havent grown them !

The Tobago Seasoning I grew had no heat!

tho the powder it made had a lil bite!

And the Trinidad Perfume,

, again no heat on either of em!

Here are two horribly out-of-focus pics I took today ( time for a new camera!) :

upskirt pic of the plant:


Hey! There's a spec of red in there....

Pod pic with AA size battery:

It's more twisted and bumpy that you can see here.

Only one thing left to do, taste test!

Hmmm.... thin walled, slightly fruity and hab-like flavor. The heat profile is like a hab, sneaks up on you a bit but not a face-melter.
I think these will improve as they get fully ripe.

Sorry for the pic quality.
