• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2011/2012 Grow log....

Over the coming days I will be attempting to log my grow so far.

It won't be as big and spectacular as most peoples here (in fact it isn't big or spectacular) but I am proud of what I have done so far with my very limited space and love my chilli's (I am sure) as much as the next person.

I have had a few small problems so far but a Massive thank you has to go out for the help so far from people like Nova, Gas, JR, Micca, Wildfire in helping me get started on growing something other then long red cayennes or other common types and answering my many questions and the generous man JR with his huge contribution to my seed stocks.

Like I said this will be an ongoing process to get this thread up to speed so bear with me while I populate the pages over the coming days ...
Great article,
I guess I'll have to throw my old cannabis seeds away!...................JUST KIDDIN!

About having them or throwing them away? :D

Lookin' good as always, Tripp. I just enjoy the heck out of your pix!
Hope you have the insect population beaten back by now!
Thanks Paul.

I truely think the insect/mite issues are due 95% to the fact that the plants are in less then ideal conditions (Rootbound, no natural rain on them, lack of beneficial insects because of a lack of host plants and close proximity to each other and variable sunlight levels) making it very difficult to get any type of balance in the garden

In my opinion if these plants were in a better environment they would be thriving. I have stopped all my organic insect attack attempts and am simply letting my plants fend for themselves with an occasional (less then once a month ) health tonic of neem spray more as a plant conditioner then all out war.

I am glad you enjoy the pictures. I enjoy taking them!!
You are right about plant health affecting insect/blight
resistance. A weakened plant is so much more susceptible.
You really do take amazing photos Trip! Glad you're pursuing it...you have a real gift and a great eye. Keep the pics rolling in!

You really do take amazing photos Trip! Glad you're pursuing it...you have a real gift and a great eye. Keep the pics rolling in!


Thanks Shane and thanks for stopping in. Thanks for the compliments, its nice to get good feedback.
The compliments are well deserved my friend! Always a pleasure to stop in, I really enjoy your and Greg's (Pic1) glogs with you all's amazing photos. I stare at them then move on...then come back and stare some more. You keep posting, and I'll keep visiting! Really excited about the Wild Brazil photos...any chance of you posting a full plant shot? I got a couple going and really want to know about their growth habit to make sure I place them correctly in the garden.
The compliments are well deserved my friend! Always a pleasure to stop in, I really enjoy your and Greg's (Pic1) glogs with you all's amazing photos. I stare at them then move on...then come back and stare some more. You keep posting, and I'll keep visiting! Really excited about the Wild Brazil photos...any chance of you posting a full plant shot? I got a couple going and really want to know about their growth habit to make sure I place them correctly in the garden.

Sure can do. They are both in small (too small) pots and so this is keeping them probably more compact then they might otherwise be. I have 2 of them though and they are both very similar in growth habit. They almost have a sort of miniature tree look with a canopy of leaves and pods if that makes sense. I will try to get some shots over the coming days and post them up.
Nice looking plant's and awesome looking pods! Trinidad Scorpion Marouga Blend especially has amazing looking pods. It's so cool to see how pods change color.. maybe the coolest thing there is! :D
Wow, looks like you had an exciting one with all the new pods to try, Trips. :dance:

Didn't get much of a chance to try anything new myself. Fruit fly ended up destroying most of everything. :(

How's the season winding down?

(Nice shots too, BTW!)
GAS!! What a blast from the past ;)

Season is winding down ... well my plants/soil is spent, but I am still getting plenty of pods coming through from the last lot of flowering.
Should have another ok harvest of Choc Bhuts and Choc Habs, plus the TS Marouga Blend and Bahamian Goat are still cranking along.
My young douglah is flowering and plenty of Wild Brazil and Fatalli pods, plus Jalepeno HTM Pods to come.

I did a good size harvest about a week ago and another 2 weeks ago and got plenty then as well. Plenty of Scotch Bonnett TFM's on hand and NTR's and Po Cheong and some Birdseye HTM.

I also have some Dedo De Moca and Orange Latern trucking along which I am yet to try as they haven't ripened yet.

Blondies, Aji Lemon and Bishops Crown are also still producing solidly.

Only one plant has completely stopped and that was my Bonda Ma Jacques simply ran out of container room I think, as have most of my plants :(
Nice looking plant's and awesome looking pods! Trinidad Scorpion Marouga Blend especially has amazing looking pods. It's so cool to see how pods change color.. maybe the coolest thing there is! :D

Thanks for stopping by Mankeli and thanks for the kind words !!

Come on Trippa make with the camera. :D


Yeah I know I am quite aware I've been a little slack with the photo side of things lately sorry :confused: :D I have Been busy scouting for a new Job since my current work project is almost complete and ready for opening to the public so my contract will done in 4-5 weeks, and hence that means no more income unless I get a job quick-smart.
I am in the final phases now of securing a new Job contract which will mean a house/chilli plant move, fingers crossed my background check comes through all clear :confused: should do as far as I am aware I have never been in trouble with the law but I am always paranoid about something random coming up. Plus they want to check absolutely everything. I have never had a background check done like this before for a job

Sure can do. They are both in small (too small) pots and so this is keeping them probably more compact then they might otherwise be. I have 2 of them though and they are both very similar in growth habit. They almost have a sort of miniature tree look with a canopy of leaves and pods if that makes sense. I will try to get some shots over the coming days and post them up.

Sorry I have not got around to this ... they aren't looking the best right now but I will try and get a shot as soon as I can
"Hey trips, you better have saved some of them peppers for the boys"


Hey, Tripp, just stopped by to say hi - your season is winding down,
ours is just kicking in! Hope you get a chance to enjoy the fruits of
your labors in the off season. Can't wait until your next grow!

"Hey trips, you better have saved some of them peppers for the boys"

Geez, Mezo, that's kind of scary :D
Hey Trips, I've been meaning to ask... you use Organic Link fert, don't you? I'm thinking about trying something new next season and at the moment, it's something I wouldn't mind giving a burl. Any feedback on the stuff?
Geez, Mezo, that's kind of scary :D

Especially when they do part time debt collection..

"Hey bro, me & cuz here and a few brothers reckon you should pay that debt, but don't worry if you have no money as the brothers here are trained removal men"


Mezo. (i shit you not)
Man, those guys can have anything they want.

Except my peppers!

Best stay debt-free there!