• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2011/2012 Grow log....

Over the coming days I will be attempting to log my grow so far.

It won't be as big and spectacular as most peoples here (in fact it isn't big or spectacular) but I am proud of what I have done so far with my very limited space and love my chilli's (I am sure) as much as the next person.

I have had a few small problems so far but a Massive thank you has to go out for the help so far from people like Nova, Gas, JR, Micca, Wildfire in helping me get started on growing something other then long red cayennes or other common types and answering my many questions and the generous man JR with his huge contribution to my seed stocks.

Like I said this will be an ongoing process to get this thread up to speed so bear with me while I populate the pages over the coming days ...
Hey Trip,
I've been away for a few, but looking at those habs reminds me of some long brown habs that I grow. Yours have that red tinge to them. I bet those are tasty. Some of the brown/black habs end up with a greenish/yellow color within the walls and carry a completely different flav. But I prefer the look on the habs that you sliced open.
I hope your able to combat the pest situation. Is this mid stream for your season?, I have 2 more months to wait before I can plant out.

Hey Trip,
I've been away for a few, but looking at those habs reminds me of some long brown habs that I grow. Yours have that red tinge to them. I bet those are tasty. Some of the brown/black habs end up with a greenish/yellow color within the walls and carry a completely different flav. But I prefer the look on the habs that you sliced open.
I hope your able to combat the pest situation. Is this mid stream for your season?, I have 2 more months to wait before I can plant out.


Thanks for stopping by Greg.

Interesting about the difference in colours and corresponding flavour of the different choc habs.
Yeah these ones are absolutely fantastic tasting, sweet, nicely hot, passionfruit undertones and just all round great looking pods.

I actually just put a bunch of rump steak into the fridge to marinate in the Jerk Sauce I made out of the choc habs. I will be constructing an open steak sandwich later on to sample the goods. It smells great.

Season has officially just flicked into Autumn... but for us up here in Queensland I would say we are probably just over halfway through the hotter weather but we should get good growing/production for another 2-3 months at least (theoretically we should get growth albeit slow right through winter here as well)
We are into the rainier part of the season for a month or 2 and then it typically starts drying out and cooling down a little through winter, but winter here typically is altogether more settled weatherwise and you normally end up with endless days of still, clear blue skies and sunshine from May through to September. Will be interesting to see how this winter goes as last one was cooler and wetter then normal.
Hey, Tripp! Things look they are progressing quite handsomely in your
garden! the pics of the choc habs are great; I can't wait for mine to
actually produce something. Crows are really smart - you are about
to engage in a chess match : ) Good luck as you get into the second
half of your growing season there.
Hey, Tripp! Things look they are progressing quite handsomely in your
garden! the pics of the choc habs are great; I can't wait for mine to
actually produce something. Crows are really smart - you are about
to engage in a chess match : ) Good luck as you get into the second
half of your growing season there.

Thanks Paul.
Crow must not have liked the chillis too much as he hasn't been back. Still early days though.
Plants are showing some signs of improvement in vegetative growth in past week since starting the worm juice along with my normal fertilising regime which has just been amended (today) to include this at half strength every watering (Nutritech Backyard Boost) along with Fulvic and Kelp and worm and compost extract .

I have had to abandon my last allround fert due to being unable to source it anymore so it will be interesting to see how the Backyard boost goes in comparison.

Here are some pictures of some happenings in my garden in the past week or so. Did a bit of a harvest but no pictures of that but I have a few interesting pods coming along to be eaten soon.


This was the pod a week ago (The Mystery Butch T. which isn't but looks hot!)


This is the same pod yesterday


This is the brother to the red pod. Has some cool orange/red striping (you can kind of see)


Brothers side by side (picture posted mainly to give a better image of the striping on the pod in focus)


Some immature pods of the Mystery Butch T's showing slightly more elongated shapes maybe??


Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' Ripening


A Fat Bellied Bhut Jolokia 'Assam'

More pictures and an interesting observation between my two 'Most Prolific' plants to come

Not the best pics this week sorry was in a bit of a rush
Wicked :flamethrower: pods, Tripp!

Cheers Paul ... yeah they are some cool looking pods I think.

Right Both the plants below are supposed to be Most Prolific Chacoense but they are definitely not the same (maybe diff phenotype??).
No complaints on the difference between them as they were from the same pods and so I am simply intrigued as to what they may be.


Phenotype 1 (Purple and elongated drooping pods with purple fringed flowers)


2nd Phenotype (green, upright pods, with white flowers)

My question is has anyone else grown this variety and seen these differences at all??

I have just seen a bunch more Choc Bhut Jolokia pods set and also some Trinidad Beans setting pods along with Amish Bush pods. Nice to see some newer varieties I have not had or seen much of before setting pods and also some more superhots on the way in the form of Choc Bhuts.

All my other plants seem to be in a regeneration phase after they had the pods harvested and trying to overcome the pests and growing limitations (ie pot size) . Hopefully I get another round of a decent amount of pods before the cooler night temps start slowing things a little.

Night Temps for the next week are only meant to get 19C which will be a change from the early 20's minimums we have been having. Still looking at 30C maximums for the next week though so a 10-11C swing as opposed to the 7-8C Swing we have been having in the past month.

Might get some better flower setting hopefully.
Hey Trippa the second pic looks like a true C. Chacoense
The first could be a cross with either C. Chinense or C. Annuum
Have you got any close up pics of the flowers and leaf shape?,
are there only 1 pod per node?
maybe a C. Chacoence x C. Annuum???????

your mystery Butch T
looks like a TS Moruga, 7 Brain of a SR strain?????? all are similiar????
Hey Trippa the second pic looks like a true C. Chacoense
The first could be a cross with either C. Chinense or C. Annuum
Have you got any close up pics of the flowers and leaf shape?,
are there only 1 pod per node?
maybe a C. Chacoence x C. Annuum???????

your mystery Butch T
looks like a TS Moruga, 7 Brain of a SR strain?????? all are similiar????

Cheers JR. I will get some pics of flowers and leaf shapes tomorrow.
Yeah I have suspected a TS morouga or brain strain ... cool looking can't wait to taste.
Just a quick tip to everybody .... don't lose your balance go to steady yourself on a BBQ and then let your hand slip and fall into your plants backwards smashing off branches (and pods) and possibly terminally damaging your only Yellow 7 pot, ending up flat on your back among plants and pots .... Sad thing is I wasn't even in an altered state :banghead: :rofl: :oops: ... what a dumb ass. (I don't think any neighbours saw so there is 1 bonus )
Did you think about turning the broken branch into a clone of the plant?

No I didn't I have plenty of Saved seeds from that plant and also some more of the orginal THSC seeds as well so If need be I will just have to grow again. I am fairly hopeful it will recover ok (I am just a little bit worried about how much strain was put on the base of the stem and just below the soil line as the stem is a little loose feeling in the soil now) It might be absolutely fine ... I guess I will find out in a day or 2 if it starts wilting. fingers crossed its ok
Time for a few more pictures of my Trinidad Scorpion Somethings??? and a couple of bhut jolokia Assam just picked. Not the best shots but luckily for me I wasn't carrying my camera at the time of my great fall :D so I decided to put the camera down for the afternoon after that, in case something happened while I was carrying the beast , and just make do with the pics I already have. Nursing a freakin sore back , shoulder and ankle now as well ... I guess thats what happens when you fall on your back onto a concrete balcony. (I still can believe I actually was such a dumb ass clumsy prick :rofl: :oops: I have never done anything like that before without being extremely intoxicated)


2 Bhut Jolokia Assam at the front and the 2 Trinidad Scorpion Somethings?? at the back


2 Bhut Jolokia Assam at the front and the 2 Trinidad Scorpion Somethings?? at the back again


2 Trinidad Scorpion Somethings???( Possibly Marouga Blend based on the orginal Trnidad Scorpion Butch T labeling and the appearance of the pods and opinion of other growers)


Another shot


And another


2nd to LAst one


Last ONE!!

Sorry for the repetition on these photos I was going to take some Chocolate Bhut Jolokia's as well but they will have to wait for now.
Garden is loving the Worm/Compost extract and new fertiliser as well and seems to be doing quite well (except for some weird fuzzy white mould type thing [looks a lot like mould on fruit] growing on the underside of a couple of the leaves which isn't something I have seen before on any plant of any type I have grown ever)

Only thing the garden isn't coping with very well is the dumb ass who fell into it ... haha.
Those look absolutely evil and amazing! Never again apologize for repeat pics of anything that looks so cool!

Looking forward to more pics trippa,
Thanks Shane

A change of subject just to break up the monotany of the chilli pics. A photo I took last week from beside our house of the canal at Dusk.
(I do have better photos in this series then this but they are earmarked for a project I am currently undertaking which is starting to become incredibly exciting in terms of the future )

Those pods look pleasently, deadly...
What kind of project are you wrapped up in?


Thanks for stopping by Greg. Yeah I am yet to taste one (I will be finding an excuse to hook into one today) so I will let you know how they go!

My project is more of a change of direction (or maybe getting some direction??) in my priorities and life and putting some dreams into action, I will let you know once I have everything underway, it is taking a little while to get my launch pad cleaned up and the rocket fueled, but once I have ignition I will be sure to let people know. It will not be a full-time thing initially (and will have to fit around my life as it exists now to a degree) but I am hoping it will become a fulltime gig in the future.