• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I
have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and
some photos documenting what's happened so far.
In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds.
In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just 
called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.  
Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:


Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.
Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single
plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
MarcV said:
I guess my seeds must have gotten lost in the mail... I still haven't received anything...
Oh well... I already have many more seeds than I have room for to grow for next season :)
I will send some more, Marc.
Will try to get them in the post tomorrow.
Update on the AeroGarden seeds:
Just to clarify, the seeds in the AeroGarden are not the same
F6 white as I sent out. Those are all from 2-1/2 inch A+ white and
violet pods (F6). You can see the pix a few pages back. 
The ones in the AeroGarden are from  larger pods, whose
seeds are also in the seedling mix in the germinators.  There
were 4 of the larger pods this season, but they were not great
seed producers    :neutral:  3 were white, 1 was violet. 
Seeds went into the AeroGarden on 11/8
first hook 11/23 - 15 days
second hook today 11/25 - 17 days   :neutral:
They seem to be having a bit of a struggle getting out of the
AeroGarden plug. I may have messed up putting them in  :think:
Same dismal result in the little cup.  1/14 put out a radicle,
so I put it in a cup full of moist FF mix and covered in some
seedling mix. That was 11/22.
Edit 11/26: hook emerged from the seed in the FoxFarms soil cup.
        So, three hooks up from the 3"pods out of 28 seeds so far - 11%  :rofl: 
        At least there are three   :D 



Very few leaves left on the pepper bushes, but the
F6W-LP and the F6W-2 managed to get a bunch of
pods half-ripe, but still very serviceable:

There are actually a few more pods edging toward violet
on both plants.
Put the three F6W seedlings into cups on the grow shelf.

If these make it to plant out I will isolate them for F7 seed.

With Scott having his seeds in the dirt, I guess that means the
2019 F7 grow is officially underway Egads!
I've noticed the same thing about how well these guys handle the cold.
I've had a couple of nights in the mid-30s with a light frost.  Many of my other Chinense varieties dropped all their leaves.  But the PDN x BMJ just seemed to shrug it off.
Winter will get them eventually, but they'll have a little more time to ripen up those remaining pods.
MarcV said:
They arrived... finally! :)
Yay! Great news! What is the postmark date
on the envelope?
Maybe now the other envelope will show
up and you will have lots!
I think all but two people have received their seeds.
I have received notification from 20 folks.
I am having a tough time with germination on these,
so don't be afraid to start more than a few. I don't 
know if it's me or if they are just slow germinators.
Anyway, here is the list of forum members signed up
for the F7 'global' grow, in case you want to know who
all is on board. Good luck to all in the upcoming season!
Devv                                Trippa*
OCD Chilihead                Superhot Sim*
Walchit                            Bookers
Bhuter                             Masher
B3rnd*                             Snagglepuss*
Peter S                            Superted*
MarcV*                            DontPanic
luvmesump3pp3rs         Orekoc
Stettoman                      YAMracer754
rickvm                            SpeakPolish
*outside USA
Looking forward to seeing all of your great results with
Tristen's cross in the 2019 grow season. 
Let the games begin!
Drivers, start your engines!
All ahead full!
DontPanic said:
I've noticed the same thing about how well these guys handle the cold.
I've had a couple of nights in the mid-30s with a light frost.  Many of my other Chinense varieties dropped all their leaves.  But the PDN x BMJ just seemed to shrug it off.
Winter will get them eventually, but they'll have a little more time to ripen up those remaining pods.
If this is the case they should produce gangbusters in Zone 3!!
Yes, these are slow germinating. I planted about 12 different pepper types about 2 weeks ago and these haven’t sprouted yet, along with one other. Hopefully any day now!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Glad to see folks getting started.  
I am devastated by the poor germination rate on these.
I hope other people have better luck than I.
rickvm said:
Yes, these are slow germinating. I planted about 12 different pepper types about 2 weeks ago and these haven’t sprouted yet, along with one other. Hopefully any day now!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In the AeroGarden, the ones that sprouted
took 15-17 days.
In the seedling mix, a couple came up in
10 days, but nothing for the past 4 days.
Very frustrating and annoying     :confused:     :banghead:
I put a couple of violet pod seeds in the
AeroGarden. Maybe they will pop for me.  
It's only been 5 days so far.
PaulG said:
I think all but two people have received their seeds.
I have received notification from 20 folks.
I am having a tough time with germination on these,
so don't be afraid to start more than a few. I don't 
know if it's me or if they are just slow germinators.
Anyway, here is the list of forum members signed up
for the F7 'global' grow, in case you want to know who
all is on board. Good luck to all in the upcoming season!
Devv                                Trippa*
OCD Chilihead                Superhot Sim*
Walchit                            Bookers
Bhuter                             Masher
B3rnd*                             Snagglepuss*
Peter S                            Superted*
MarcV*                            DontPanic
luvmesump3pp3rs         Orekoc
Stettoman                      YAMracer754
rickvm                            SpeakPolish
Pepper Guru
*outside USA
Looking forward to seeing all of your great results with
Tristen's cross in the 2019 grow season. 
Let the games begin!
Drivers, start your engines!
All ahead full!
Fixed! ;)
Pepper-Guru said:
Right on. Rich!
I'm going to send you a few more in case the
dried seed pods don't contain decent seeds!
Glad to see your name on the list.  I hope you
have better luck with germination than I, although
another F5 white popped this morning - 17 days.