Trout Meuniere

Hey ya'll. I spied some very fine looking steelhead (a searun rainbow trout) and sauteed it up the other night. Mind you, I didn't kill a wild steely but rather I bought a farm raised flank from the local fish monger.

I skinned the flank, sliced into filets and then dredged it in seasoned AP flour. While that was happnin' I had some butter heating up in the sautee pan.

I sauteed the fish, flipping once. Then added juice of 1 1/2 lemons, handful of capers, and deglazed with white wine. Let the flour do its magic and thicken the sauce and badabing badaboom..

The lemon/white wine butter sauce is fantastico and tangy smooth!

Too bad I didn't catch it on the flyrod...




And plated up...


Eat more fish ya'll!

Cheers, TB.
damn TB...the more I see of your posts on cooking, the more I hate I missed coming to vegas...

mouth is watering here...
Thanks AJ, I wish it would have worked out. Forgot to mention I snuck a filet of halibut in the pan with the trout. Mrs. Blues only eats halibut or tuna. This recipe works for any fish BTW and is as easy as it gets, but a devine tastebud tingler!

Cheers, TB.
Looking delicious TB. I did a little fu fu tonight and made Smoked chicken and Porchini Risoto with Fontina and Parmesan.
JayT said:
Looking delicious TB. I did a little fu fu tonight and made Smoked chicken and Porchini Risoto with Fontina and Parmesan. loser! Where's the pics? I am punishing you now by slamming a shot of tequila! Make me punish you again. Please!

Cheers, TB.
Novacastrian said:
Very very nice indeed, how did the sweeetish flavour of the wine go?

The white wine/lemon juice combo is literally sex on a plate! The wine I used was a fairly dry chard. Woodbridge. Good juice.

Cheers, TB.
A Wonderful fish recipe and i picking some sea bass up at the weekend and for once i have most of those ingredients Wouldn't it be nice to pick a side of that of that rather than a chinese,indian or pizza..its says it me nice one Tex:)
TB I want you to come and deglaze my pan er uh I mean cook me some din din. I have to run with your wife on this one bro, halibut is the shizbit for salt water fisheeeez.
patrick said:
TB I want you to come and deglaze my pan er uh I mean cook me some din din. I have to run with your wife on this one bro, halibut is the shizbit for salt water fisheeeez.

I hear ya' 'pard. I like halibut strips deep fried in beer batter with caper tartar and hot sauce. I use to do up filets the same way but with melted cheddar and crisp bacon on a sammich. Tastes like Nirvana. As for healthy...well, you can't sin again after eating it for six months.

Cheers, TB.
OK, first off TB, I'm extra moist on my end lookin at that fish. Yum.

In other news, the first time I saw this thread's title, I thought it said "Trout manure." I thought you had found a fish farm and were using troutshite as a fertilizer or somethin. Much happier knowing you're doing THIS with the fish instead of feeding it's fodder to your chiles.

Carry on! (and send me the leftovers!)

Meuniere refers to both a sauce and a method of preparation. The word itself means "miller's wife" and that etymology provides insight into both culinary uses. The miller's wife of course had easy access to flour, and so to cook something á la meuniere was to cook it by first dredging it in flour. But the mill was also located on a stream and thus often had very fresh fish available. Many of the elaborate sauces and preparations that were developed in the 18th and 19th centuries had an underlying purpose of masking food that had begun to spoil during the several days needed for transport from fishing ports. By contrast the fish prepared by the miller's wife did not need to be masked under a heavy sauce. A meuniere sauce is very simple—browned butter, chopped parsley, and lemon.

Good stuff. :)

IMO good fish needs only butter an lemon, perhaps some pepper. GOOD fish should be tasted..also applies to seafood...;)
QuadShotz said:

Good stuff. :)

IMO good fish needs only butter an lemon, perhaps some pepper. GOOD fish should be tasted..also applies to seafood...;)

Common sense, science and practical informative data have no place on the THP forum and cooking in general. I much prefer a cacophonic blend of lies and heretical idealogue, heresay and innuendo, all backed up by a ouji board and a drunk witch doctor. All excellent tools answering Mrs. Blues when asked any question cooking related or otherwise.

Cheers, TB.
I'd be making this again tonight except I have fresh chorizo I have to get rid of. Tomorrow maybe. Gives me an excuse to go buy more chardonnay! Tequila and capers don't pair up too well.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Mind you, I didn't kill a wild steely/QUOTE]

Yeah, It's good. My wife went fishing with her girlfriends one day and brought home a whole bunch of what she called "weird salmon"! Damn they were good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beerswimmer;220402][quote name= said:
Dude, where'd they go? Ayakulik or Karluk? When I was living in Port Townsend, WA a couple years back, the local fish joint would on occasion get in some farm raised steely that was some of the finest fish I have ever eaten. When I could get it, I'd grill it and with only a little salt and on a plate!

Cheers, TB.
TBsnsnext, I've made this recipe twice since I read it here. I love fish, booze, and combinations of the two so much, this recipe was right up my alley. I also am a big fan of creamy sauces, and this one is easy to build and seems to be a real crowd pleaser. Did up some sockeye salmon with your sriracha variation, and had some popper filling left over from the jerk throwdown so I gave some shrooms a nice sausage and cheese injection for the side. Also had a nice snow pea/yellow bell pepper/homegrown cucumer salad with a white balsamic vinegarette, but nobody wants to see salad porn!

Quick Money-Shot...

Drinky makey piccey blurrey....


And a shot of the GF's plate with my boozey companion so as not to have drunkard points deducted...


You da Man TB! Anyone who hasn't made this should. Your illigetimate six year old son could make this. Hell, if you had a dog with opposable thumbs he could probly throw this together. And it ROCKS a million faces!

Bon Appetite!