True Confessions of a Food Snob

Yep, thats me a food snob though not to the extreme. I blame this trait on one of my ex psycho girlfriends who I lived with over her restaurant. To make a long story short, when ever I went into a specialty food store and saw all the different hot sauces ( other than Tobassco ) I would always think to myself, they were just gimmicks to see who could come up with the hottest sauce. Man was I wrong. The first bottle I got from Blues BBQ, the Habanero reserve was outstanding, Then this morning I used my last bit of Neil's Afterburner sauce on a ham an swiss sandwich, its so thick and fruity and tastes great. I had wings at The Bat Cafe the other night and was forced to use Tobasco and it was so bland to me, it was definitely lacking substance.

Being in the food business now, I realize how hard it is to get your own brand to market. Hats off to you guys/gals the produce your own goods as I now try a new sauce every chance I get. Everone have a great Thanksgiving and remember that tonight is the biggest party night in the USA. I know I'm going to be hating life tomorrow morning.
We all had to start somewhere!

I can honestly remember arguing over whether Bud or Coors was better.

I am now a card carrying beer snob.

At least you did get better, most people zombie their way through life never knowing what they missed.

Happy turkey day!
Tell me about it. I am surrounded by it here. Pennsylvania dutch cooking is good and hearty, but they think black pepper is spicy. I have enlightened as many people as I can to the world of spice. Oh and Dick if you go to Fell's Point drink a Belgian for me at Max's.
Have to agree Dick used think the same thing myself but when i tried a few decent sauces i was hooked then my brother and cousin both grew chilis for years and the bug finally caught me to and by the way have a great thansgiving Dick ;)
I'm a snob too, but not in the same way. the sauces I use the most are mine and not because it's cheaper. it's more work and typically costs more, but I just think mine are better. might be a personal taste thing, but it seems like 99% of the sauce makers haven't heard of any new spices since the early 18th century.
JayT said:
Tell me about it. I am surrounded by it here. Pennsylvania dutch cooking is good and hearty, but they think black pepper is spicy. I have enlightened as many people as I can to the world of spice. Oh and Dick if you go to Fell's Point drink a Belgian for me at Max's.

Fells Point is pretty much El Salvador these days, Max's is still there but I pretty much stay in Canton, The Bay Cafe. Tonight is Grey Goose night for me , probally a couple shots of Tuaca too. CHEERS
Sounds good. Have a good time. I'm having some sort of concoction made with vodka, fresh squeezed lime juice and 7up on ice. I dunno, I just had these limes I need to use up and thought it would be ok. It is.
Omri said:
I'm a snob too, but not in the same way. the sauces I use the most are mine and not because it's cheaper. it's more work and typically costs more, but I just think mine are better. might be a personal taste thing, but it seems like 99% of the sauce makers haven't heard of any new spices since the early 18th century.

Fresh is key too Omri. Fresh tastes so much better in beer and food.