• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Trying Blair's Ultra Death Sauce

Sorry if the vid is dark. Had to use camera to do vid, new web cam wasnt working.
Only 6:24 because wife accidentally hit the stop button. The heat was dying down by then anyways.
Let me know what ya'll think.

I sure can. That sauce will be the next one I do. Will do it either today or tomorrow. Still trying to recover from that nasty ass Blair's. I hope all of their stuff aint that bad.
I sure can. That sauce will be the next one I do. Will do it either today or tomorrow. Still trying to recover from that nasty ass Blair's. I hope all of their stuff aint that bad.

Most of it is, I'm sorry to say......very harsh in taste.....stupid hot without much flavor.
lazi....not too bad. Just a Hot Pooper! Almost threw up last night. Felt like shit after you left the chat room. Nova told me to drink chocolate milk. Did just that, along with some butter flavored pretzel twists. Worked like a charm.
Mal...No, would NOT recommend as far as taste goes. If you want something HOT, go for it. But, there are a million other sauces that are hot as hell. Just gotta try 'em. Just really didnt like the pieces of stuff in there. Not what I want from a sauce. Nova said that its more of a puree. I can believe that. I just think Blair's needs to advertise as such. Found one yesterday that was a garlic/habanero. REALLY good. Great taste. Also found a sauce made with Peri Peri. Not too bad. Some may like it more than me. I'll finish the bottle, just wont buy another bottle.
Yeah I am willing to bet its all the extracts that tore you up. You should try some without the extracts, blairs pure & golden death dont have any but are supposed to be pretty mild sauces.
Seems like most sauces are "mild" if they dont have extracts. I just need to get a hold of some that taste awesome with NO extracts. Would LOVE some of the Rectal Tears...
Glad to hear that the Chocy milk helped, i got that tip off the master himself!

Bro even if you have to rob a bank get some Rectal Tears, it's the SHIZNIT! :D
Seems like most sauces are "mild" if they dont have extracts. I just need to get a hold of some that taste awesome with NO extracts. Would LOVE some of the Rectal Tears...

The pain of extract....not very nice, drop me an email and i'll sort a good price for you with the old rectal tears....good work for giving it a go! Gotta love choc milk......mmmmmm!
Sy....hell YEAH man! I cant WAIT to go. I HOPE you get some time this weekend. Besides, you NEED to get the "surprise" I have for ya.
Nova...that choc milk was AWESOME. Didnt take the heat away, just REALLY helped the tummy. MIRACLE CURE for bellies...
Scorpion...PM you right now! YAY!!! RECTAL TEARS!!!

Has anyone ever watched a show called Mad Tv? They had a skit that was like a commercial. It was for a cooking oil that caused "minimal anal leakage." Hmmmm, name for a sauce? NO ONE TOUCH THAT NAME!!! ITS MINE!!! That'll be the name of my first sauce! ANAL LEAKAGE!!