food Trying dehydrating

Found our old dehydrator in the basement, decided to sacrifice a few pods to see what it could do.

Dehydrator, nice and sparkly clean. Peppers. Cutting board. Paper plates. Knife. Gloves. Thank G-d for gloves.

A lot of orange habs. A few chocolate habs. 4 Jalapenos. 1 each hungarian hot wax, trinidad scorpion, red devil's tongue. Small handful of aribibi gusanos.

Tray 1. Red Devil's Tongue, Choccy habs, and the long thin strips are the hot wax.

Tray 2. Trinidad Scorpion. Jalapenos. Gusanos.

Tray 3. Orange habs and jalapenos.

Tray 4. Orange habs.

I kept thinking to myself when I was cutting the tops off my other peppers I've been freezing that there had to be a way to use that top part, so I put them on some parchment paper and chucked them in the oven. They turned out ok, and that's more of my peppers that isn't going into the compost pile, which is great. They're my babies, and I hate wasting anything I can't use.

The unit is now in my garage happily dehydrating away.
I'll post the results.
Nice work mate it seems as though you ahve it sussed...your going to have dried every pepper with everything soon!
This was a triumph
I'm making a note here, huge success

The hot wax sticks are great, the orange and choccy habs wonderful and full of heat, but holy frakkin hell the jals are awesome.

Last post for me in this thread. Turned out far better than I had hoped and I'm now getting the second batch (jals and gobs of tabascos) ready.

Cheers from the newest dehydrator addict.