• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

in-the-kitchen Trying to thicken my hot sauce with arrowroot powder

Hello I thought Trying to thicken my hot sauce with arrowroot powder would be the best way to go. But having trouble with it thickening. I've tried low heat with no hope. And it seperated this morning so maybe I added too much? Are my slurry ratios off? Am I supposed to put it on medium heat or low heat? Thanks. I wanted to use arrowroot powder in place of xanthan gum and keep my hot sauce emulsified.
salsalady said:
Side note- a long time ago while involved with a community kitchen, a prospective kitchen user wanted to use a garbage disposal to grind up vegetables to make ( I think) that cabbage salsa Mexican restaurants serve.

Yea, he never came back. No idea where that idea went....
Same place as his money?
I stray away from xanthum, if for no other reason than it sounds weird. I just try to keep the liquid in my recipe down, and cook it down some. It does look weird when sauce separates, and I could see that stopping potential buyers if your product is sitting on a shelf somewhere.