• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2015 glog

so yeah, hey everybody... I just couldn't wait anymore
put some seeds in the dirt and we're good to go
me and my brother in law built this new "grow-box"

I'm gonna put a fan or two in those holes .... to keep the humidity down when the box is going to be closed
this is how it looks now.... in my bedroom ... the wife said something about someone who's a little crazy but I don't know who she's talking about :rolleyes:

so, this is what I'm growing this year:
  - Lemon drop (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Brazilian Starfish (seeds from rghm1u20, added on february 12th)
  - Aji Brazilian Red Pumpkin (seeds from Rory, added on february 12th)
  - Bhut Jolokia
  - Aji Umba
  - Fatalii yellow
  - Caribbean Red (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Bonda ma Jacques (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Chupetinho (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Habanero White (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - MoA (seeds from rghm1u20, added on february 12h)
  - Moruga Red TS (seeds from ajijoe, sent to me by rghm1u20, added on february 12th)
  - Orange Lantern (seeds from Nulle, added on february 12th)
  - Devil's tounge (seeds from LuckyLuke, added on february 12th)
  - Dorset Naga (seeds from LuckyLuke, added on february 12th)
  - Habanero Chocolate (seeds from Nulle, added on february 13th)
  - Reaper (seeds from Zoli, added on february 13th)
  - Habanero Maya Red (seeds from Nulle, added on february 13th)
  - Habanero Brown (seeds from rghm1u20, added on february 13th)
  - 7pot Jonah (seeds from Nulle, added on february 13th)
  - 7pot BS Red (seeds from rghm1u20, added on february 13th)
  - Goatsweed
  - Cayenne
  - Thai (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Jalapeno
  - Serrano (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Fresno
  - Bolivian Rainbow
  - As chili
  - Bulgarian Carrot
  - Hungarian Hot Wax (added on february 4th)
  - Sigaretta Biondo  - sweet Cayenne style pepper (added on february 4th)
  - KINIZSI paprika from Hungary (seeds from Zoli, added on february 12th)
  - Cherry Bomb (seeds from Nulle, added on february 12th)
  - Apache (seeds from Rory, added on february 12th)
  - Golden Cayenne (seeds from LuckyLuke, added on february 13th)
  - Wild Lombok (seeds from rghm1u20)
  - Bangalore Torpedo (seeds from Rory, added on february 12th)
and also some sweet peppers, Kapija paprika and some classic bell peppers
Later on in the season, in march, I'm also going to start some tomatoes, lettuce and pumpkins .. but that's the whole other story :)
Now it's time to do some waiting .. let's hope they'll all gonna pop soon :party:
Today I finally tried the 7pot Brain Strain red. It looked so nasty that I said to myself: "there's no way I'm eating the whole half of it... I don't have the guts".... And lucky me for eating just a quarter. This gave me enough pain already.

I need to eat more before these kind of peppers. Damn... it was not before I ate it but after, that I was checking for scoville's on this pepper. It sure is fiery. My immediate thought wile chewing was: "This is going to be hotter than Bhut, shit...." :)
It started to burn a lot in the next minute or so... the mouth, the throat.... towards the ears ... lasted for about 5 minutes. But 10min later I also felt it in my stomach. Got mild cramps even though I ate about a half an hour before. I guess I should make something more oily/milky for dinner. This was not so pleasant :rolleyes:

Aside from scorching heat.... it has a lovely - similar to Bhut Jolokia - sweetish fruity taste. It's good, but if only it was just half that hot...  I'm going to use them for sauces, dehydrate or freeze them for later.
Today's harvest

And with it the new pepper to try...
Capsicum baccatum Aji Brazilian Red Pumpkin

I'm not sure if this is 100%.. it kinda looks like a Aji Brazilian Starfish, but I also got those and they're more flat. This one is more round, but with a similar curves around the body... well, Starfish is going to ripe soon and you'll see what I mean :)
Almost no heat at all, but very lovely smell. It's a bit like a bell pepper... very good bell pepper. Crunchy, sweet and juicy pod.
Did some pickling last night, mostly annums (Serrano, Apache, Cayenne Golden, As chile, Goats weed) with some others (Chupetinho, Devil's tounge and a few sliced Aji Umbas)

I also tasted my first Habanero Chocolate today...

This is one incredible chili... it has such a nice aroma when cut. You can get a little of the classic habanero smell with a lot of smokey, earthy notes that are also dominant in the taste. It's sweet, smokey... very tasty! And quite hot! Definitely on my grow list in the future.
Picked these today on the balcony.. quite a lot... and a lot are going to be ripe soon...
The Lemon drops and Chupetinhos are from the on ground pots under the balcony

A few of the plants up here have a lot of yellow leaves... I don't recall the same with the last years grow, so I'm thinking there must be something different with the soil in the pots...
But some of them are doing fine. Like 7pot Brain Strain here

or Aji Umba

The Garden plants seem to be doing fine.. my wife picked a few Bhuts and sweet peppers off them today. The true ripening there is yet to begin. If even the weather holds.
Today we went to the first Chili Fest in our area. It was in Ljubljana and about ten local growers and sauce makers were presenting their chilis, sauces and other related chili products. It was very interesting. Tried a lot of sauces and got to know a few growers I yet didn't know about.

Bought two interesting sauces named Purple rain and Pure teardrops

Purple rain - contains Bhut jolokia purple, Royal black pepper and Blue frankish grapes... I don't know what else is in there, but it's sweet and very aromatic sauce and they were serving it with icecream.
Pure teardrops - contains Moruga Scorpion, Brain Strain, Superhot beast, Carolina reaper, Bhutlah, tomatoes, vinegar, salt, sugar, lime juice and spices... it's tasty and really ignites the tounge for a long time.
I also ate a bowl of Chili con carne and met Jason Nickels, bought two of his books (Cooking Chillies and Growing Chillies translated into slovenian language) and got them signed off course. Always a pleasure to meet another chili head, especially when he's spreading the good chili related knowledge.

These will be a good read in the coming rainy days...
Browsing through your glogs ya'll... such big harvests and beautiful pods.. I have enough, but still envy some :drooling:
Picked just a few these days... but a lot more are coming (if the weather allows).

Picked this beauty today to try.. or should I say "Bhutey" ...

Sliced half of it in a sandwich... thought it's not so hot... tried another quarter later with no food... damn!.. intense burn after 1 minute of chewing... lasted for about 15 minutes ... you know how it is - been there, done that.... did it again :fireball:

The plant this one grew on is on the old garden and still full of pods... gotta take a picture of some plants there.. they're productive.. but the weather here is cold. It gets as cold as 5˘C in the morning somedays. And that is slowing down the ripening for sure! :mope:
Picked a few mushrooms today with my wife and sons. Maybe I'll make a pizza or a sauce with mushrooms for lunch... I don't know.
Those really started to grow these days... enough rain and a bit of cooler weather is making them pop.
Today's harvest...

Plenty of White habaneros left to pick, but I was in a hurry...
This was mostly just from the balcony... not much left down there, but I'm still waiting for the garden plants to ripe.
A little rainbow from today...
Got all of them pods stashed in a cardboard box on the counter to ripe fully.. then will proceed with dehydrating and freezing

Anyone with a good idea what to do with a 200+ of green pods?
Looks like the ones in the old garden are not going to make it in time... it's a pity, but the weather is realy shitty.
Caribbean Red Habanero - a small one from the upper balcony... I just don't want it to stay outside in the cold... it will remain in the living room until the pods are all ripe
Made a new sauce today... from Habanero Chocolates exclusively...
   -> I used: a bunch of fresh Hab. Chocolates, two carrots, one classic and one red onion... a few garlic cloves, a big jar of homemade tomato sauce, homemade apple vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, brown sugar, salt, a small spoon of cocoa powder, dried homegrown basil and some rosemary --- also added a pinch of Piment by the end

There was a lot of pods, but they were smaller than earlier in the season

Threw everything in the pan...

I let it simmer for an hour.... blended it and simmer it some more... and then bottled into small 1dcl jars

It looked more brownish at the end... It tasted OK..... will post a photo of the jars tomorrow when they cool off.
If this turns OK, I'll repeat the recipe over the winter.... got plenty of Chocolates in the freezer.
Runescape said:
Awesome sauce and stickers, man...
those Chupetinhos have such a neat shape...
btw, earlier you mentioned your two different Aji Brazilian's...
Thanks man.

Yes, thoee are supposed to be Aji Brazilian Pumpkin and Aji Brazilian Starfish. Very crunchy peppers with very low heat.
The last day of october = the last harvest this season. Picked all that I think is worth keeping, threw the rest onto compost. It's been an interesting season... a bit short for my garden plants, but quite OK for my potted plants. Tasted a lot of new peppers this year, so I'm a bit more "educated" on that area ;)
This is what I rolled in this morning...

Still need to clean out the garden and prepare everything for the winter... the greenhouse is already in "winter mode" - planted with winter salads, mostly corn salad (rapunzel)... still have my Habanero white in there, still loaded with about 100 pods... jeez that thing is productive :)

Now, when I'm out of fresh pods... comes the time of pickled peppers and making sauces... gonna bake something too, since I got a lot of dried pods and new coffee grinder... yeah!
Oh, and the plans for 2016 are in the making.