• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2016 glog

So this is the new season... can't wait to put the seeds in the dirt.
I just finished preparing the grow "corner" for my future seedlings, and everything works fine.

The lights are prepared and I plan not to go over 200 plants this year.. but we'll see how that goes.
Like last year ... I'm planning to grow mostly chinense's and annums... but there will be some baccatums (Aji Lemondrop, Aji Amarillo,...) and pubescens (Rocoto,...) that  hogleg sent me....
I'm still working on the final grow list.
But I'm really looking forward to start the action in a week or so.
Devv said:
Wow, you're like me with the tomatoes. I have 80+ in the dirt.
Why buy when you can grow :party:
Seedlings dont cost much, but where's the fun in that ?!?

Marvin347 said:
I don't know if it's the  :high: but I love your photography skill !
I'm sure it's the :high: but thanks anyway ;)
a little update on the grow... it's been a while...
The preparations for the garden have started and I put up the construction for protective net which will go over the pepper area like last season. I'll also prepare the tomatoes area and tend the soil a bit in the next few days. The greenhouse is almost ready. Yup, that time is almost here....
Malaysian Goronong and Rocoto

Goats weed and another Rocoto

Habanero White and Butch T

Hot peppers on shelve no. 1

Hot peppers on shelve no. 2

the last transplants are just so little - hope they'll grow a bit more in the next two weeks

Tomatoes are thriving
A Spicy English Cheapskate said:
Looking great. What lights are you using?
it's led bars with 36 leds per bar, ordered from china.. nothing fancy... they're on daylight (near window) from 7am to 7:30pm then switched to led's when it gets darker....
Hey Tsurrie, I'm growing your Habanero White that I got off the seed train, is that the same as habanero white bullet? Your grow is looking great! What type of Rocoto are you growing? 
Comptine said:
Hey Tsurrie, I'm growing your Habanero White that I got off the seed train, is that the same as habanero white bullet? Your grow is looking great! What type of Rocoto are you growing? 
Cool. It's supposed to be Habanero White a.k.a. Aji Peruvian .. Dont know about the bullet thing, but judging by it's size and potency, and shape... It might aswell be White bullet.

It's Red Rocoto I got from Hogleg.
It's the end of april and instead of transplanting I'm carrying the plants back into the house to protect them from cold. What can you do, shit happens... or should I say...snow happens...
A few days ago...


It's going to be a miracle if we get any fruit this year.... it was in full blooming stage a few days ago... that's a bummer... same goes for the apples, pears.... it could all be heavily damaged by this... fuck this weather.... damn

There are tomatoes already planted inside that greenhouse....

Peppers are now waiting in the garage... if I like it or not, this growing season is going to be delayed... again :mope:
I hope this will sort out in a few days.

Sorry about the cold weather. But on the plus side, you have fantastic looking plants that are ready to rock!
How did the greenhouse do?
Devv said:
Sorry about the cold weather. But on the plus side, you have fantastic looking plants that are ready to rock!
How did the greenhouse do?
Yes. At least the plants are ready for the action. I was too, but luckily braced myself not to plant out yet.

The greenhouse did ok, I think. Got to minimum +4 degrees Celsius towards the morning. I lit a few candles yesterday evening in there, just to feel better ;)
Well the cold is not as bad as being outside and having the frost hit them. A short cold spell does no harm from what I've seen, as long as the temps rebound.
Here's to warmer temps!
Brr, still putting up my greenhouse but hopefully the snow is behind us. I was contemplating putting a small heater in mine during winter just to keep it above freezing. 
Devv said:
Well the cold is not as bad as being outside and having the frost hit them. A short cold spell does no harm from what I've seen, as long as the temps rebound.
Here's to warmer temps!
Another frosty morning today.... but the temps are rising and from tomorrow on it's supposed to be warmer
To warmer temps!
D3monic said:
Brr, still putting up my greenhouse but hopefully the snow is behind us. I was contemplating putting a small heater in mine during winter just to keep it above freezing. 
Depends what you'll have in there over the winter. Was thinking of that too.
The winters here are too long and cold to have anything else inside beside few winter salads... even those are additionally covered with warming sheets... but they grow fine.
Devv said:
Soil looks great!
yeah it is, but not so much if there's a lot of rain. It's more like clay all stuck together in rocks. And also snails are starting to appear because of all the rain. Damn little red bastards I could count them in millions...
I came back from work and my wife was arranging the garden at home and planting some things... I also helped a bit ;) so it's almost ready for everything to be planted...
a lot was done today

then I started to mix soil and filled the remaining of the pots... this was quite a project for this afternoon...  my back hurts from all the mixing :) but it feels good :dance:

the pots are filled and ready for peppers
I hope tomorrow will be the day for planting (pots at least)
Been planting "out" (on the garden) and "in" (to the pots) these days. Pretty much lowered the superhots quantity on the garden and focused more on the ones for pickling and roasting/baking... will have enough of super's if everything grows ok, because I got plenty in pots and plenty still in the freezer (waiting to be sauced).
The garden today...

Moved 20 pots to the balcony (like last year) and about 10 pots are staying floored - will be around the south side of the house.
Thouse onground ar: Chupetinho, Pequin, Rocoto, Habanero White, Goatsweed, Biberiye, Habanero Caribbean Red..... and I can't remember the rest :rolleyes:
Here is the list of the ones on the balcony:
  - Goatsweed
  - Habanero Chocolate (2x)
  - Habanero Caribbean Red
  - Habanero Cappucino
  - Habanero Orange
  - Aji Umba
  - Bhut Jolokia (2x)
  - Bonda ma Jacques
  - Butch T Trinidad Scorpion
  - Sicman's Mystery no. 1
  - Sicman's Mystery no. 2
  - Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
  - Malaysian Goronong Red
  - Fresno
  - MoA Scotch Bonnet (2x)
  - 7pot Brain Strain Red
  - Reaper (maybe)
Will post a photo when I take one. Anyway, it's been busy couple of days. Cracking open a cold one now! Rock on!