• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2016 glog

So this is the new season... can't wait to put the seeds in the dirt.
I just finished preparing the grow "corner" for my future seedlings, and everything works fine.

The lights are prepared and I plan not to go over 200 plants this year.. but we'll see how that goes.
Like last year ... I'm planning to grow mostly chinense's and annums... but there will be some baccatums (Aji Lemondrop, Aji Amarillo,...) and pubescens (Rocoto,...) that  hogleg sent me....
I'm still working on the final grow list.
But I'm really looking forward to start the action in a week or so.
Those mole crickets are huge!
We have what I guess I could call regular crickets, and they don't damage my garden. But I have my share of critters for sure.
A little update since I staked all of my peppers today and had the time to take some photos....(today I used my phone, usually I use my good old D80)
The balcony is looking quite well, have some new growth and looks healthy in general.

Sicman's Mystery's... you can see here that they are going in a different direction, colorwise (I wonder how the pods will look, seeds from hogleg).... the left one had a few aphids but they seem to be gone for now

this one is Bonda my Jacques and it really is growing nice this year

Goatsweed (seeds sent from hogleg) is doing well

moving to the ground.... Rocoto is doing well (also sent from hogleg)

and the rest of the "on ground" potted team... Pequin (the one most right) is not doing well. The growth is slow and all yellowish.... it seems to be lacking something - will check the soil PH tomorrow

Tomatoes really kicked off in the greenhouse....

The grow on the garden is not so rewarding.... the rain is taking it's toll and it's a mess right now. Raining again at the moment. It's like we got monsoon over here... it stops for a short period of time and keeps on going soon. The mole crickets struck a few more times... I hate killing them, but they give me no choice... took out 5 of them until now.
That's all for today. Thanks for taking a peek.
tsurrie said:
A little update since I staked all of my peppers today and had the time to take some photos....(today I used my phone, usually I use my good old D80)
The grow on the garden is not so rewarding.... the rain is taking it's toll and it's a mess right now. Raining again at the moment. It's like we got monsoon over here... it stops for a short period of time and keeps on going soon. The mole crickets struck a few more times... I hate killing them, but they give me no choice... took out 5 of them until now.
That's all for today. Thanks for taking a peek.
Sorry to hear you've been getting so much rain out your way... hopefully it'll pass on soon so your plants can dry out and grow some more. I know the Pequins come from a really dry part of the country... maybe it's just been a bit over-watered from all that rain and needs to dry out a bit more.
One of the Sicmans Mystery f2 is showing purple!  :dance:  Thats gonna be a really cool plant. I have an OW that started out like that, it makes pods that go from purple to chocolate color with a bhut shape. 
stickman said:
Sorry to hear you've been getting so much rain out your way... hopefully it'll pass on soon so your plants can dry out and grow some more. I know the Pequins come from a really dry part of the country... maybe it's just been a bit over-watered from all that rain and needs to dry out a bit more.
Thanks man. Yeah I really hope for some nicer weather. Cool info on the Pequin, will keep it dry for some time and take more out of the rain's reach :)
hogleg said:
One of the Sicmans Mystery f2 is showing purple!  :dance:  Thats gonna be a really cool plant. I have an OW that started out like that, it makes pods that go from purple to chocolate color with a bhut shape. 
Cool. Good to know. I'll try and take good care on this one. I love mysteries...
so... we've got rain and on the other days we had rain... so... weather kinda sucked big time :rolleyes:
I took this picture of a sad state the garden is in.. just the other day when there was almost one full day of rain-break....
there's grass and weeds... if you look very close... you can almost see some peppers in there
mole crickets (7 k.i.a.), snails (I need ducks), rain (thinking of building another greenhouse just for peppers, because the weather is worse each year) ... :confused:

tomatoes wrapped in that foil are growing... but the greenhouse back at home suits them better

two Achocha's from the EU seed train...growing good like the cucumbers... they seem to like the wet weather more than the other plants

greenhouse tomatoes back at home are blooming and setting first fruits

peppers under the balcony seeking shelter from the rain...


there were two major storms that really soaked all of the pots on the balcony...and the high humidity in pots is something aphids really like

in spite of the aphids and really wet soil.. the plants look rather well
Bonda ma Jacques... a little over watered but ok

Goats weed

a few got some heavy rain damage a few days ago.. but they'll be fine

Reaper (maybe this is the real one) is branching out.....

....and looking into the bright future this evening.... some rainless days ahead of us
Boy, you folks in the Balkans and Eastern Med. are getting whacked! It's been cool and dry here so plant growth in the heat-loving varieties like chiles has been pretty much at a standstill. It's gotta get better... we're pullin' for ya!
Glad to see things are drying out for you, I too had a really wet period a few weeks ago. A 15 year rain spell, with over 6"s in a few days. Just crazy!
But the peppers take it in stride.
Your grow looks great despite the heavy rains ;)
az1000 said:
Looking good !
What Rocoto variety  is ?
Thanks. It's red Rocoto. Hope it produces some pods soon.
stickman said:
Boy, you folks in the Balkans and Eastern Med. are getting whacked! It's been cool and dry here so plant growth in the heat-loving varieties like chiles has been pretty much at a standstill. It's gotta get better... we're pullin' for ya!
Yup. Same goes for you. It's gotta get better!
Devv said:
Glad to see things are drying out for you, I too had a really wet period a few weeks ago. A 15 year rain spell, with over 6"s in a few days. Just crazy!
But the peppers take it in stride.
Your grow looks great despite the heavy rains ;)
Thanks man. It does look like it's getting better. It was very sunny today and the temps were around 30°C and it should be like this at least until saturday.
I'm really glad your peppers liked the huge amount of rain. You're getting some pods finally huh? :)
Plants looking really well.

Greenhouse's look good.

Looks like some warmer weather coming your way. Plants are really going to stretch. I like how you put the plastic around the tomatoes.

Reaper plant looks nice and healthy. It will be a nice bush.

Beautiful sunset
tsurrie said:
Thanks man. It does look like it's getting better. It was very sunny today and the temps were around 30°C and it should be like this at least until saturday.
I'm really glad your peppers liked the huge amount of rain. You're getting some pods finally huh? :)
 Yes! Finally, I'll never start the season again the way I did this year. I know better...but you know how it sometimes goes..., just slap me ;)
Comptine said:
Ah, I picked up the achocha seeds too, but never got around to planting mine, just didn't have the space. I'd be really interested to see how yours turn out. 
I hope they'll do fine and the hail wont get them. Will keep posting the progress.
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants looking really well.

Greenhouse's look good.

Looks like some warmer weather coming your way. Plants are really going to stretch. I like how you put the plastic around the tomatoes.

Reaper plant looks nice and healthy. It will be a nice bush.

Beautiful sunset
Thanks man. Foil is almost essential in these parts .. Lots of rain and humidity causes fungus deseases.
PaulG said:
Looks like you are taking good care of your chilis
and garden despite the rainy stretch, Uros. Plants
looking healthy and content. Nice work!
Thanks. I'm doing my best and hoping it will turn ok. Too bad some varieties got eaten by snails or just did not make it. One of them was Aji Amarillo. But there is still next season, so ... :)

Devv said:
 Yes! Finally, I'll never start the season again the way I did this year. I know better...but you know how it sometimes goes..., just slap me ;)
If anyone knows it must be me. Every season brings some new problems. But we'll survive. And grow on ;)
stickman said:
Hi Uros! Has the rain finally let up for you yet?
Yes it was a lot better this last week, with yesterdays exception when it was raining the whole day.
It looks like we are going to have another nice week, with just a bit of rain on wednesday and over the weekend, so nice weather for chilis.

Thanks for asking and stay tuned :)
I'll do an update sometime this week, if I find the time. The kids are a handful and my wife is away on a business educational trip.