Turkey Day is near!

Alynne said:
Momofuku and milk bar just opened here in DC to lines around the block. Can't wrap my head around the hype
Heh......... it's not that impressive, hype is hype, people see lines and hipsters, people get on said line and instagram... and success!!
Please don't ban me for posting this!:
We're doing the lazy man/woman's way and getting pre-cooked meal from local supermarket.
Going to start brining my turkey tonight. Got a brining bag. How much salt typically used in a brine?

I'm smoking it at ~225-250 17lb turkey over cherry. Thinking it will take around 8-9 hours. Suppose to rain all day so that may screw up my times though. Worse case last few hours finish in oven. Stuffing it with apples, onion and garlic. Typical herbs, thyme, rosemary and sage.

Butter and olive oil rubdown.
With a dry brine you'll get more "roasted turkey in its own juices" flavor. With traditional brine be careful with salting and it will be moist but you'll lose a bit of the turkey flavor.
My father in law asked if I could bake some bread for Thanksgiving. He said he likes it better than store bought....how could I say no. I will make three sourdough boules, using two different recipes. Here is the first one.
