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Turn on the Bloom

After 3 months of growth with no fruit and dropped blooms, I have added the bloom fetilizer. Now lets see what type of crop I get. This first picture is 12 weeks in the grow mode with high Nitrogen

Hopefully the phosphorus will get these blooms fruiting.

I just bought a cloner to start my winter crop that will go in this system and add a few more plants outside.

I'm going to contact the vendor to see if they will sell the fertilizer with 2 months of grow and 4 months of bloom for my next batch. I love the fire and forget with built in pH balance.
Those plants look nice! neat little setup. what size cfl lamps are those? and are you using any other lighting? and what hydro nutes are you using?
Does the system have an air bubbler only or also a pump to the net pots directly?
Is the lid modified to stop spray or is it not necessary?
I've tried tupperware with an air pump with good results - no need to do funny things with the lid.
Is it the 8 gallon bin? What size pump and airstone is required?
I think you may need more well balanced nutrients rather than going with the straight veg ang bloom formulas made for pot
I grow in hydro and never change the NPK ratio from 1:1:1 and never have problems with either greenery or fruit.

I have plants at all stages of growth on a common nutrient reservoir.
Interesting Willard -- you dont use a bloom fert at all?? -- Could I do the same soil grown plants using a balanced NPK versus one that is higher in phosphorous or potassium? I was going to change while Tomatoes and peppers are blooming to go to a NPK of 15-2.2-9

What brand of fertizer do you use. Can I add it straight to tap water and ignore it for two weeks or does it need constant pH checks? Does it work well with DWC ? I'm going to be ordering soon and if you can make a recommendation that works for me, I'm going to switch.

Not sure it is applicable but...

I had a tomato that I transplanted to a 5-gallon pot. Used a 25-watt CFL bulb for the light source. It loved it and would grow a couple of inches per day. But I managed to get only only 1 bloom (which didn't produce any fruit) and it has been transplanted for seven months, though I long ago turned off the light and am using natural sunlight.

Perhaps the nuits are not the problem, but the power of the lights. You might try adding a couple to the sides and see if that helps

Saxon Squire said:
1. What brand of fertizer do you use.
2. Can I add it straight to tap water and ignore it for two weeks or does it need constant pH checks?
3. Does it work well with DWC ? I'm going to be ordering soon and if you can make a recommendation that works for me, I'm going to switch.

1. General Hydroponics 3-part flora series nutrients: http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/floraseries.html

2. Yes...I check and adjust Ph weekly

3. Don't know, but DWC is similar to other types of hydro.
Hey Willard, how do you get an NPK ratio of 1:1:1. Wouldn't you have higher K with the 3-part flora series? Not that higher K is bad, I'm just curious.
Dont use foil for the reflective material around your setup...

Thermal blankets are your friend! Get them at Wal-Mart near the camping section, only cost $1 a peice, and they are very large.

I already had some foil up but I use mostly thermal blankets now, some have called my setup crazy but you be the judge :D

Hey Willard, how do you get an NPK ratio of 1:1:1. Wouldn't you have higher K with the 3-part flora series? Not that higher K is bad, I'm just curious.

Yah, my mistake....I use equal amounts of micro, grow and bloom whose NPK ratio is actually 2.3: 2: 3.6 and not 1:1:1.
Saxon Squire said:
Here is week 14. Lots more blooms and more developed but still no fruit. Buds are really starting to appear like crazy.

Are you doing anything to pollinate the flowers? If you have no air
movement and no insects and you dont hand pollinate you will get nothing.
Skyjerk said:
Are you doing anything to pollinate the flowers? If you have no air
movement and no insects and you dont hand pollinate you will get nothing.

not necessarily peppers are self pollinating plants thats why if there is wind it helps, but even without any help it's possible to get some pods but a little shake every now and then will help anythin.

also on the hydroponics 'grow' and 'bloom'

i find that if you aren't blooming your chiles, why use bloom? right so there you go you have a veg nute in the beginning right?

then when you are switching to getting flowers... hasn't EVERYONE said on this site if you have too much Nitrogen the flowers will drop ?? so you decrease the amount of nitrogen increase the phos/potash it's a difference if you're growing the same chiles all year round that are already in bloom vs. growing some from seed or small plant..
2.3: 2: 3.6 is a similar ratio to my 'bloom' ferts. also gh, but flora nova i have the 3 part flora series that i got for free but tiny tiny bottles :|. plus there are other things that i add to my res other than ferts that make quite the difference.

go to a hydro shop, ask questions about ferts for your peppers they will send you away with the information you need for CHILES not pot.
teh purple penguins said:
i find that if you aren't blooming your chiles, why use bloom? right so there you go you have a veg nute in the beginning right?

I would think the phosphorous in the bloom is also needed for good root development and other aspects of plant growth and the micro is always important too. I don't think the 2 or 3 part fert systems are made to be used individually.
As I said before, I prefer to use a well balanced fertilizer throughout the life of my peppers except maybe in late fall when I give some extra phosphorous for their final flush.