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Turtle Claw Chilli Mayonaise

So this year I had a number of hydro turtle claw plants (also known as Aribibi Gusano) and ended up with about 1kg of them in my freezer. About a month ago I dried a load of them and then blended into a fine powder, seeds and all, intending to use it as a condiment on things like chips.
So today i made chilli mayonnaise using shop bought mayonnaise mixed with about a tsp of turtle claw powder. WOW! This was amazing, slightly creamy with a real kick of heat and a light yellow colour. If anyone out there has any turtle claw powder I thoroughly recommend you give this a go as it is now my go to dressing for a cheese sandwich in brown.
the Gusano is a good pepper i grew it twice so far and it is very useful, i never had it in mayo, but have had them in Barbeque sauce and it was fabulous
in mayo it would be very good on fish and as a sandwich spread
thanks your friend Joe
Awesome idea, I will have to try that with some of my Aribibi Gusano powder from last year. I loved those peppers, they have a really sharp bite to them, but not totally bonkers heat-wise. They also have that very unique effervescent and floral-ish C.Chinense flavor profile that I really like.
Since am trying to scale back for 2014 (riiiiight :rofl: ) have Gusano seed from Judy/Plover and . . . am looking exactly for some middle of road, "not bonkers" heat peppers to go with the seasoning and inferno cast . . . the MAYO sounds delicious! (Of course I spiced up some mayo with ground white 7's and white bhut for family gathering--couldn't see it--and none were too thrilled. I labeled it as :hot: too but . . . :mope: Thanks for that idea with Gusano (a reason to grow another!) Merry Christmas!  :party:  Annie