• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


like an hour ago while i was driving home i saw a big Snapping Turtle trying to cross the road i wonder if it made it :P? and when i got on the computer there was a topic about turtles in the growing section :mouthonfire:
imaguitargod said:
God they're so cute. Hey, has anyone wondered why this is in the gardening section or am I the only one? :lol:

Cos' they grow in my yard and they ain't no peppers! It's "Growing - Other" ... :lol:
Here's the tortoises to come:

This is one of the bestest, coolest, most awesomest thing on this site!!!! That's a wonderful thing you're doing Armadillo, wonderful! I would love to contribute something to their care, is there anything in the states that they could use and I could send? How about a contribution for their dinner bill?

Would you mind if I use one of the pics as a background on my monitor?
Today the fifth babe broke outta it's shell. They are all well.

patrick said:
This is one of the bestest, coolest, most awesomest thing on this site!!!! That's a wonderful thing you're doing Armadillo, wonderful! I would love to contribute something to their care, is there anything in the states that they could use and I could send? How about a contribution for their dinner bill?

Would you mind if I use one of the pics as a background on my monitor?

The best thing you can send is your best wishes. Thanx for that! Actually it's cheap to feed them. They are mostly vegetarians unlike the young box turtles. So we feed them lettuce, bananas, cucumbers, strawberrys, maters... So their dinner bill doesn't increase our's.
And I would be proud for sure if you would use one of their pics as a background. PM me your email addy and I'll send you the fullsize pic instead of the boiled down photobucket version.

On 22nd we will travel to the States for three weeks. We are lucky enough that our house owners will take care of those little critters in that time. They have 30 years of tortoise experience.
Late update now: Before we left for the States the seventh babe was born. The remaining two eggs were dead. But seven out of nine are great I think.
Armadillo said:
Late update now: Before we left for the States the seventh babe was born. The remaining two eggs were dead. But seven out of nine are great I think.

It is. With snakes you can often spot the unfertilized eggs right away. The eggs are a little different with a soft, leathery shell and if you don't see the difference you feel it when you move them to the incubator. Turtles and tortoises has the hard shells almost like birds so you usually don't know that they are bad until they start to smell unless you check them over a light.