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color Two daredevils eat 'killer' chillies and survive (news article)

It’s the hottest chilli in the world with the potential to kill. But that hasn’t stopped two Central Coast daredevils from taking on the potent naga jolokia chilli in a test of resistance to its burning qualities.

The naga jolokia is rated at more than one million Scoville units, a scale used to measure the potency of chillies. No other chilli comes close. It is dangerous for people with heart or breathing problems.
Heh, someone should introduce them to Neil. He'd eat one then ask for a glass of defcon 0 to wash it down.
Somebody who lives over there should set them straight. Killer peppers? Cucumbers maybe, tomatoes yes but peppers? Come on. :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
Heh, someone should introduce them to Neil. He'd eat one then ask for a glass of defcon 0 to wash it down.

I sent a reply in the comments of the newspaper article to check out Neil on youtube.
"Potential to kill." Pepper propaganda! :rofl:
thehotpepper.com said:
"Potential to kill." Pepper propaganda! :rofl:

I think peanuts are more dangerous lol. I mean they ban them in schools now! We never got in trouble from stuffing soft hot pretzels with tobasco peppers. Made a few enemies that day lol.
Neil lives in the exact same area as that newspaper as well. Neil most likely reads that paper.....

I dare say these 2 guys were friends of the reporter and wanted to get in the paper.....
moyboy said:
Neil lives in the exact same area as that newspaper as well. Neil most likely reads that paper.....

I dare say these 2 guys were friends of the reporter and wanted to get in the paper.....

As a journalist, I would have to agree. That really doesn't fit any of the requirements for actual news value. Not really even the vague oddity value.
A piece on Neal and his internet testing of the worlds' hottest peppers and sauces would actually have a lot more value and interest than two random guys eat a chile.
Posted vid is from CumberlandCourier..seems a Sydny media thingy.
This part is hilarious.

Gay Marriage, or Chile Eating?


Geeze. musta been a "Hunan Interest" Story... ;)
local free paper so you can't expect much from it lol

It was a very small side story to a one page spread on the chilli factory and their new line of jolokia products. Marcel is worried about getting sued so I think he's over stating the health issues ascoiated with non chilli heads eating his products.

Marcel " It's not just hot, it's too hot for 99.9 per cent of the population. So hot that mr De wit has warned people withheart problems or asthma not to eat it."