color Two daredevils eat 'killer' chillies and survive (news article)

ring sting said:
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I wanted to ask which one is the bottom?

Are you gentlemen suggesting that despite these guys not being chileheads they still have plenty of experience with "ring burn"?
QuadShotz said:
Posted vid is from CumberlandCourier..seems a Sydny media thingy.
This part is hilarious.

Gay Marriage, or Chile Eating?


Geeze. musta been a "Hunan Interest" Story... ;)

Eating lots of chile's does not make a chilehead per se.
Over my lifetime I have performed thousands, maybe millions of mathematical calculations using addition, subtaction, multiplication and division. Noone ever called me a "mathematician". But you come on to another guy holding a chile that one time...

Cheers, TB.
stillmanz said:
If Chillis could kill I would have been arrested Tuesday night.

The look of worry on your face pertained to the thought that they MAY be able to achieve that very feat:lol:
yep I wasn't sure. I was kinda crapping myself as there were lots of witnesses lol.. Dont worry I still got those waiver/decs in a safe..

My brother reckons I should make it hotter next year because he thought you guys didn't look in much pain.
stillmanz said:
I asked him if it was so easy why dosn't he go in it, he told me to shut up and left... lol

Hey Mick, youl have to send over a promotional hot hot nitric acid filled bottle for my chilli eating comp on the 2nd of May....Im going to do a hot sauce comp.....start off at a teaspoon and work it up until people fall off the comp one by one.

It sucks that Taj is going to be in it! He just doesnt hurt man...he's crazy! Got a fw that might sort him out though!

Gonna be making vids to promote it if you want to send some sauce I get you splashed over the screen.

Ok stomach hurts from toooo much yellow hab.........toilet calling!
For a community newspaper, thats kind of funny, but I wouldnt expect the pulitzer to be in the mail just yet.
soumnds interesting scorp I'll get back to you. Hey mate any comp you do. Get declaration and waiver from contestants. check your liability insurasnce too. can't be too careful with the extra hot stuff.
Hey IGG did you see channel 19 news tonight? They did a story about the video! LMAO they made it sound like those 2 morons were the first to eat the peppers!!! LMAO I just searched their website and they don't have a link or the report on there ......I was quite amusing!!!
stillmanz said:
soumnds interesting scorp I'll get back to you. Hey mate any comp you do. Get declaration and waiver from contestants. check your liability insurasnce too. can't be too careful with the extra hot stuff.

Cheers mate, to true in regard to the waiver....I'll run one up past my lawyer mate including all sauce peeps businesses that donated etc etc...never can be to careful with that stuff thats for sure! Im looking forward to the night should be fun!
my local paper, they didnt even put the pic that was on Page 3 with Marcel holding a crate full of the Bih's in his Greenhouse, my 4 yr old's fav pic in the world as he was in Marcels greenhouse last weekend looking at the 7 foot bihs,we even got a Kilo of them from the crate.. Its heaps cool to see all the work put into getting him the seeds actually continuing to a point of amazement

500 full size Bih in 1 greenhouse fully fruiting, flowers Everywhere still happening whilst Huge ripe pods Hang.

love to be watching him at the show hammering people with them.

Go the bhut lady, bet she's got nice plants