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two hotsauces in one??

i am new to this.
could i make a fermented hot sauce, strain the liquid and bottle for one batch,  then use the solids to make a second batch of vinegar based hot sauce?  or would the solids not retain much flavor?  maybe more peppers would need to be added?
I have heard of people dehydrating the solids left from their sauce for a powder. I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I would expect the liquids and solids to essentially be a homogeneous (all the same) mix of flavors after going through a fermentation. 
well, that is good news.  it will be a while before i can try it.  try it i will though. 
different topic:  i was gifted a badly freezer burnt mixed bag of reapers, ghosts, jalapenos, and hebenaros.  that was about two years ago.  as soon as i got them i thawed and smoked them.  then proceded to mix them in a blender with some garlic, salt, and vinegar (white/cider 50/50 with a splash of lemon juice. 
it was horiible fresh.  however i pulled some out last week and it actually taste pretty good now and is still pretty hot too.  and when i measured the ph after reopening that bottle it was at 3.8  so i am assuming its still good.  makes me happy i got 3 more pints pressure canned in the pantry. 
3.8 pH is good and use your common senses to look for fuzz, smell for 'yuck", etc...you know ;)
You can totally make something from the tailings!  Food Mill or strain the main sauce (bottle the juicy part as you said).  To the tailings add more of the same peppers you used, or a complimentary bell pepper, fruit, juice, vinegar.  Blender the SNOT out of it to make it a smoother consistency.  Taste, adjust, etc....spices, bit of salt....

ps- edit to make sure to cook up and bottle per HS101..... :)
ive always kinda went over kill and actually pressure can my sauce.  only when I open the jar do I transfer it into a sterilized bottle for the table. 
its really not much hassle as I already pressure can other low acid foods.  usually just mix the sauce jars in when I'm doing a batch of something that has to be pressure canned. 