• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Two Zero One Four - now the fatalii ripen !

hi everybody !
on the 20.12.2013 i planted 9 kinds of chili plants, two seeds each to kick off my little babies for 2014 as i didnt have any homegrown chilis last year, a terrible situation which had to be changed !
its a funny mix of peppers, most of them unknown and i got the seeds out of fresh pods i scavenged from a commercial grower (with permission ofcoz) last year and stored dry eversince,
so here is what is in the mix, all pictures from the plants i took them from except for a "lemondrop" and a "mild habanero"







chilli whisperer said:
Nice setup
thank you, it is simple but gets the job well done.
over nighttime, while they have not yet all germinated, i like to transfer them to the bathroom where its warmer.
however, i guess i wont be doing this much longer as i am getting a bit tired of carrying the thing around and not having it automated aka on a timer ;)
Very nice start, OM.  
Your ghetto gear is bomb!
oooh look whats new in chilistan, whats that over there, another glow in the dark ?

aha ! upon closer inspection it appears as if there was a 2nd growchamber installed for the one's that outgrew me a bit fast so i didnt have to move the fluoro tubes up to high for my other seedlings,
i hope they enjoy their private chambers as long as they can. the makeshift reflector should also do nicely ;)

so the plant in the above pic, the left one, apparently got a little too close to the light and pulled a icarus on me and burned the tips of its leaves .. oh well, apparently they get a lot hotter than fluoro tubes ... so anyway.
for the others, i must say, as nearly all of them now have their first set of true leaves, they really take off ! it is a pleasure to watch them grow.
i am flying to london for work in 10 days, i think at their current rate, they will all be repottet by then and you can expect a picture update at the latest then :) YAY :D
guys in the meantime i thought about something, i am growing my peppers on a balcony and unfortunately it does not quite get as much sunshine as i would like it to so daily temperatures arent too high either.
i dont quite know how much temperature as a matter of fact plays a role in the ripening of chilis, but it got me thinking that maybe its more important than i thought ? 
all my previous chilis have been grown on an immensely sunny balcony hot as hell so i never really thought about that factor but now that i moved ...
id appreciate your input ! would it be worth it to invest in something like this once i can move them outdoors in some months ? 

in my eyes it would definitely be a lot warmer in that thingie in the limited hours of direct sunshine my plants would get, so i am curious if it would help with them actually ripening in the limited light hours ?
or am i worrying about this to much ? its mostly the chinense varieties that give me headaches you know ..
I bought one. The plastic cover lasted 2 years and the steel bars rusted out in about 4-5 years. Not a bad investment in my eyes. If you want it to last longer take it down off season. It was good to help harden off plants too.