• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TXCG's 2013 grow log - Big harvest (9/7)

Two gardens this year: 1 4x8' raised bed in the community garden at work & a container garden at home.

Live plants from cross country nurseries shipping 4/1/2013:
Texas Chiletepin (2)
Cumari (1)
Sweet Datil (2)
Fatalii (2)
Red Fatalii (2)
Lemon Drop (2)
Moruga Scorpion (2)
Trinidad Perfume (2)
Trinidad Seasoning (2)
Trinidad Scorpion (1)
Raised Bed:
Red Fatalii (1)
Lemon Drop (1)
Moruga Scorpion (1)
Trinidad Seasoning (1)
Rescued Mystery Annum (99% sure its a jalapeno) (1)


Lemon-Lime Basil (some hybrid of my Lemon Basil & Lime Basil that volunteered)
Purple Queen (P: 4/12 S: ??)
Burpee's Stringless Green Pod (P: 4/12 S: ??)
Rattlesnake (P: 4/12 S: ??)
Kentucky Wonder
On Deck Hybrid
Sugar Daddy snap peas (Planted: 2/15, Sprouted: 2/27)
Mammoth Melting Sugar snow peas (P: 2/15, S: 2/24)
Oregon Sugar Pod II snow peas (P: 2/15, S: 2/25)
Mountain Magic Hybrid (3)

Peas planted in containers.

Pepper plants arrived & started hardening off

Beans planted in raised bed

Planted in 1 gal containers
Texas Chiletepin (2)
Cumari (1)
Sweet Datil (2)
Fatalii (2)
Red Fatalii (1)
Lemon Drop (1)
Moruga Scorpion (1)
Trinidad Perfume (2)
Trinidad Seasoning (1)
Trinidad Scorpion (1)
Magic Mountain Hybrid (3)

Planted in raised bed
Red Fatalii (1)
Lemon Drop (1)
Moruga Scorpion (1)
Trinidad Seasoning (1)
Plants and the cinder block raised bed looking super dank. Glad to hear damage control is going well. Aphids piss me off. My hab had em so bad I could see exoskeletons coating the lower leaves. I hope to god I don't have mites.

Either way, mighty fine looking plants. Keep it up player.
Got a few more updates for the container garden at home, I'll have more on the raised bed garden this evening.
1st up is a group shot of all the ladies with labels:

Mountain Magic 'campari' tomatoes are doing pretty good. 1 of the 3 plants looks a little bit iffy so it has been moved a bit away from the other two. The odd one out is producing slightly larger fruit but growing slower & just generally looks a bit shitty. 
I took a bunch of cuttings off the largest one & have them rooting. Goal is to have them ready to plant out toward the end of July for our fall tomato planting window. Planning on giving some out to coworkers & friends.

Thought this was kinda neat. My Cumari o Passarinho is only about 8" above soil level:

But almost 2 feet wide. Pretty unique sprawling growth habit. It's a good foot or so shorter than all my other plants. Never been pruned or topped or anything.:

Texas Chiletepin doin its thing. I ate a green pod off it the other day and man was it delicious. Seems to have a stronger flavor than my old one did. These first peppers aren't terribly hot though since it's been well watered. I ate one off the other chiletepin plant I gave to a friend that has been neglected a bit and it lit my ass on fire. Good stuff.

Man this Moruga has come a long way from being the runt of the litter who didn't want to harden off. It's now the tallest plant I've got by about 2 inches & growing vigorously. Got 3 pods on it at last count & a ton of buds & flowers. 

Aji Lemon Drop going hard in the paint. This thing is a pod machine. I wish I had gotten a pic of the root ball when I pulled it out of the 5 gallon pot to transplant into the 15. It was a fat mass of furry white roots so it should take full advantage of its spacious new digs. 

Trinidad Scorpion has completely recovered from aphid or mite damage. All the new growth is nice and smooth with no signs of curling. Never seen so many flower buds on a single plant, it has 5-6 coming off some nodes.

Obligatory cat pic. Also check out at all those pods on that sweet datil. 

A bit of pod porn to wrap things up
Edit: Bump for pr0n
Peptacular said:
Roll that beautiful pod footage!
Starting it off with a fully torqued trinidad scorpion. Viewer discretion is advised.

Moruga scorpion bulking up thanks to a strict diet of drugs, alcohol & steroids.

Stay tuned for some more pod shots this evening including a gnarly red fatalii, some trinidad seasonings, and maybe even a weak-ass jalapeno. 
Edit: Links to the albums for the scorpion & the moruga. I'm doing my best to take a pic every other day or so to track the progress as they go from flower bud to ripe pepper:
Scorpion: http://imgur.com/a/gTW4K
Moruga: http://imgur.com/a/xXeNv
Looks great!  Just read your entire thread after posting in your other thread.  After reading your thread I'm thinking I have mites or the aphids I had are causing damage bad enough to cause my curled leaves.  I know you ordered multiple plants online but a local place to get some of them does exist but only 1 day each year.  This is there list from 2013.  


7 Pot Pepper,

Aji Limon,

Anaheim TMR,

Ancho San Luis,

Ancho San Martin,

Bell Big Bertha,

Bell Blushing Beauty,

Bell Cajun Belle,

Bell Chinese Giant,

Bell Early Sunsation,

Bell Jupiter PVP,

Bell Orange Blaze,

Bell Orange Sun,

Bell Reina F1,

Bell Roumanian Rainbow,

Bell Yolo Wonder,

Bhut Jolokia,

Bishop's Hat,


Christmas Bell,

Corno di Toro Red,

Corno di Toro Yellow,



Golden Greek Pepperoncini,

Golden Marconi,


Habanero Red,

Holy Mole,

Hungarian Wax,

Indian Jwala,

Jalapeno M,

Jalapeno NuMex Primavera,

Jalapeno NuMex Vaquero,

Kung Pao,

Large Red Thick Cayenne,

Long Red Slim Cayenne,

Mulato Isleno,

Nocera Rosso,

NuMex Bailey Piquin,

NuMex Big Jim,

NuMex Heritage 6-4,

Pasilla Bajio,

Pimento L,

Pimient de Espelette,

Pimiento de Padron,


Red Marconi,

Round of Hungary,



Serrano del Sol,


Sigaretta Dolce,

Super Red Pimento,

Sweet Banana,

Sweet Pickle,


Thai Hot,

Trinidad Perfume,

Trinidad Scorpion,

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T,

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga,

Zimbabwe Bird
mstang1988 said:
Looks great!  Just read your entire thread after posting in your other thread.  After reading your thread I'm thinking I have mites or the aphids I had are causing damage bad enough to cause my curled leaves.  I know you ordered multiple plants online but a local place to get some of them does exist but only 1 day each year.  This is there list from 2013.  
Name 7 Pot Pepper, Aji Limon, Anaheim TMR, Ancho San Luis, Ancho San Martin, Bell Big Bertha, Bell Blushing Beauty, Bell Cajun Belle, Bell Chinese Giant, Bell Early Sunsation, Bell Jupiter PVP, Bell Orange Blaze, Bell Orange Sun, Bell Reina F1, Bell Roumanian Rainbow, Bell Yolo Wonder, Bhut Jolokia, Bishop's Hat, Buran, Christmas Bell, Corno di Toro Red, Corno di Toro Yellow, Datil, Florina, Golden Greek Pepperoncini, Golden Marconi, Habanero, Habanero Red, Holy Mole, Hungarian Wax, Indian Jwala, Jalapeno M, Jalapeno NuMex Primavera, Jalapeno NuMex Vaquero, Kung Pao, Large Red Thick Cayenne, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Mulato Isleno, Nocera Rosso, NuMex Bailey Piquin, NuMex Big Jim, NuMex Heritage 6-4, Pasilla Bajio, Pimento L, Pimient de Espelette, Pimiento de Padron, Piquillo, Red Marconi, Round of Hungary, Sahuaro, Santaka, Serrano del Sol, Shishito, Sigaretta Dolce, Super Red Pimento, Sweet Banana, Sweet Pickle, Tabasco, Thai Hot, Trinidad Perfume, Trinidad Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, Zimbabwe Bird
So when I moved to Austin back in 2008 I actually signed up on the waiting list for the Sunshine community gardens & they said they had a 2 year waiting period at that time. It's 2013 & I've never heard back lol. I ended up actually getting a few coworkers together & we talked our employer into letting us build a raised bed garden at work so it all worked out in the end. I have gone to their plant sale a couple times but other people have always beaten me to the real good varieties. 
Stay tuned for some serious pod porn, I've got a bunch of pics to crop and upload after lunch. And it's not just that same scorpion and moruga this time.  :D

Tomato clones holding down the fort until I can finish cropping all the good pics
Alright boys, man the bump cannon I'm gonna need fire support. 
Community garden raised bed update:
One weak-ass jalapeno as promised. At least I think this is a jalapeno. It's a mystery annum I rescued from a discarded 6-pack of seedlings:

I count 6 pods on this Red Fatalii in the raised bed. That one in the back looks like it's growing a little stinger, I didn't notice it when taking the pic so I'll need to go take a better one. Just wait til I get to the giant red fatalii in the container garden a bit farther down...

Container garden update...this is where it gets good :D
Guess we can start it off mild & work our way up to face melting pods.
Trinidad Seasoning:
Loads of pods on the plant:

This Trinidad Seasoning has a bit of a beer gut. Guess peppers take after their owners.

More typically shaped pod:

Sweet Datil:
This thing is a workhorse, turning out tons of these small 1.5-2" pods. Can't wait for some of these to ripen, I've never had a datil but heard it compared flavorwise to the fatalii. I hope the sweet ones have the same flavor.


Aji Lemon Drop:
This thing has even more pods on it than the Datil but it's hard to get a good picture of the whole plant. These pods are just about full size now & I expect them to start turning any day now. If you haven't grown these, add them to your list! Beautiful prolific plants & delicious sweet pods with medium heat. It's a C. Badassitum.

Cumari (o Passarinho?):
Got this one labeled as Cumari from CCN but I think it's a Cumar o Passarinho based on the shape of the pods. 
For size reference:

Not sure if this guy is blushing or just has a sun tan. They're supposed to ripen to orange, not purple. This coloration is showing up on a few pods though.

Bump so I can post the good stuff!
millworkman said:
Thanks Noah! Most of these pods are your fault anyway, that Maxibloom you recommended is working wonders.
The face-melters:
It is killing me waiting on these things to turn yellow. I want to eat it so bad! 


Red Fatalii:
Alright, things are starting to get nasty. These pods dwarf everything else in my garden, they're downright beastly. It's hard to get a good pic of the biggest one to illustrate it's full size because its all twisted & evil looking.
Got a damned handful of pepper & It's just one pod. It's probably at least 2.5" across at the shoulder & the tip curves away from the camera in this pic. MASSIVE.

2nd pod

3rd pod. Doesn't get much better than this:

Trinidad Scorpion:

Moruga Scorpion:

Very tight BH 

That's it for now, I'll try & get a better pic of that odd red fatalii with the stinger later this evening. 
This has been a pretty mild year up to this point, we actually had a spring for once. For those of you not familiar with the Texas climate:

I live smack dab in the middle of "Hotter" and we've just had our first day of Summerer recently with temps finally cracking 100. Fingers crossed it won't be another scorcher.  Back in 2011 we broke our standing record for consecutive 100+ degree days with 27 in a row from July 17 to August 12th (previous record: 21 days in 2001) & most days over 100+ in a year with 85 days (previous record: 69 days in 1925)
 Forecast for the next 10 days, supposed to get up to 106 by Friday before it cools down to the mid 90s.

Dude fantastic grow you have going on there!
Excellent poddage and photography!
I feel ya with the weather, I'm just 90 minutes south of you. And it's windy here to boot!
Keep up the good work and stay cool!
AWW YES!!! Finally got some pods starting to turn colors. First up is one of my giant red fatalii pods:

This Trinidad Seasoning is a lot redder in person, looks orange compared to the other ones around it. I'm very excited to try these:

Those are the only two pods turning at the moment besides the purple streaking on my Cumaris. I'm still not sure if that's color changing or just sunburn since they are supposed to turn orange according to the picture on CCN's website, not purple.
The yellow fatalii I was having aphid problems with I cut back a bit a few weeks ago but it's recovered and growing well. All the new growth looks smooth & happy for the most part except for this strange mutant leaf. Pretty cool:

My Mountain Magic tomatoes are getting out of hand. I'm going to have to come up with a better way to secure the bird netting because they are trying to grow out the top of it. Plants are above my head at this point.

Community Garden update:
Everything is growing slow but looks pretty happy. Of the 5 plants in the raised bed only the Moruga is dropping flowers in this heat. The red fatalii is setting new pods every day & even the crappy looking Trinidad Perfume is loading up with pods. 

Trinidad Perfume:
On vacation for 2 weeks and I'm getting all kinds of projects knocked out. First thing I did was build a new water wand fertigation setup to make it easier to feed & water all my plants.

Next I built a big ass trellis for my tomato plants. This thing's at least 8' tall and sturdy despite how crooked it looks.

Group shot of all the peppers. 

Chiletepin just as happy as can be.

Lemon Drop fully recovered from the nutrient deficiency after being flushed well.

The mottling is still on the old leaves but all the new growth is smooth dark green.

Sweet Datil loaded with pods & starting to color up.

Trinidad Seasoning loaded down too. I ate the first pepper off this today and it was tasty but needed another day or two to finish ripening.

My "red" fatalii is looking awfully yellow
