Txs Ck Sauces Sale Preview

Hey Y'all,  This is a Heads Up for a Texas Creek Sauces sale which will be posted this coming weekend. 

From Left to Right-
7 Pot Seasoning Salt
(Sasquatch Chipotle BBQ sauce ;) )**
12mil Pure Evil*
Fire Roasted red sauce
Tropical Ghost
Fermented Hab
Jalapeno seasoning salt
Pick6 box- medium flat rate box, your choice of 6 items.  Pick 6 different items, pick 6 of the same. $49
Top10 box- large flat rate box, your choice of 10 items.  Pick 10 different, pick 10 of the same. $75
*Note- Pear-Garlic and Pure Evil have a limited quantities and are limited to one of each per order.
**Sasquatch BBQ Sauce=rumored to exist but few have seen in person.  :lol: Sources close to the source confirm it will be seen next weekend!
I'm posting this preview so people can plan ahead.  While most people will probably pay with PayPal, I do work with people who want to send a personal or cashiers check.  I can also send a PayRequest through Paypal to any email and the person can pay with a credit card or from their bank account.  Lots of options.  Post here or send me a PM if you have a question.
I'll have the full listing with full descriptions up next weekend after the BBQ sauce gets made.  :)
Thanks for everyone's continuing support! 
I know but I think you stumbled on a new name for it. :D
After watching Lucky Dog hot sauce over the years, i can see where Sasquatch Bbq Sauce would go...

Where can i buy some sasquatch to use this on?
Do sasquatches really like this sauce?
I used this sauce in a sasquatch trap and it didnt catch a sasquatch. I want a refund!
salsalady said:
OK Boss, I think you set the record to hijack a thread in the 2nd post!!!!  
:lol:  :rofl: :party: :rofl:
:dance:  I'm off the hook!   :lol:
Yeah but it's in Promotion, you are getting free bumps! But I will hush now. :lol: (see now u ruined it)
The Hot Pepper said:
Yeah but it's in Promotion, you are getting free bumps! But I will hush now. :lol: (see now u ruined it)
Oh, I wasn't saying you should stop!  I was just saying you hijacked the thread faster than any I ever hijacked!  :lol:
I'm out to the kitch to make the fire-roasted sauce.  Back Later~~~