• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tybo's 2020 Grow Log

Well after looking through lots of glog's, I decided to try doing one myself.  Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and improve with photo quality along the way.
That being said------I"M LATE!  Yep, this first post is 10 days late.  Meaning I started some seeds 10 days ago.  I guess my excuse is that we've been trying to get ready for the holidays here.
Anyway, I was lucky enough to get on the 2019 seed train and when B train showed up here, I was able to get some seeds that I probably wouldn't have thought of getting on my own.
It's a little early to start my main grow but I wanted to get something going so I chose to start some wild seeds that I got off the train.  Some of these came from Canedog.  (The Cap. 524 and 1445 and Cumari Pollux I bought)
So on December 13th I started 8 varieties of seed.  8 in rock wool and 8 of the same varieties in seed starting mix.
Here is a pic of them in their General Tso's starting tray.  They are sitting on a heat mat.

The first pepper was coming up on the 22nd so 9 days for my first one!  It was the CGN Cardenasii.  

The cotyledon's are so tiny!

I tried to upload a Page's drawing I made showing square's with the names of the peppers and their location but I can't upload it.  I get a "don't have permission" error when I try so for now I'll just do this manually.
Chacoense        Chacoense       C. Praetermissum       CGN
Puta Pario          CAP 524                                               Cardenasii
                                                                                       (sprout 12/22)                        (Seed Starting Mix)
Cumari              Rocopica           Chacoense                        ?
Pollux                Cardenasii          CAP 1445                    Unknown
                          UNK Rocoto
These are the seeds in the starting mix.  The rock wool cubes have the same seeds in the same order.
I'll try to get a photo and post later since I can't upload the file.  
(CD, hope I got the names right!)
I'll update as things progress.
Edited to add that the unknown listing is because the writing on the envelope got smeared and I couldn't make out the name.  I'm pretty sure it was a wild variety so I went ahead and planted them.  Hopefully they germinate and can be identified later.
Tybo said:
... Nothing else has come up in the seed starter mix or the other rock wool cubes...
Welcome to 2020 everyone.
Don't give up on those, Tybo!  You've had great results so far, as many of those varieties take their sweet time.  I just had a Galapagoense pop yesterday exactly 100 days after planting  :rolleyes:.  A big benefit of the rock wool is the ability to maintain optimal conditions and lower pathogen exposure over extended germination periods, so you've got that going for you.
Welcome to 2020 yourself; you're off to a great start!
The 524 twins have been separated.  I was able to slice into the rock wool far enough to get some of the roots with the transplant.  It is in the cube with the blue label now.  I hope this is the better option instead of just clipping the stem and trying to root it in water.  It looks a little "droopy" after the surgery but I guess I would too.  Keeping fingers crossed that it makes it.
524 twins.jpg

Tybo said:
The 524 twins have been separated.  I was able to slice into the rock wool far enough to get some of the roots with the transplant.  It is in the cube with the blue label now.  I hope this is the better option instead of just clipping the stem and trying to root it in water.  It looks a little "droopy" after the surgery but I guess I would too.  Keeping fingers crossed that it makes it.
524 twins.jpg
That should work. Keep the cutting hydrated.
Things are moving along pretty good for the wilds so far.  Faster than I had anticipated for sure.
I put all but the two CAP 524 twins into potting mix due to roots trying to come out everywhere.  I'll leave the 524's a few more days to recoup after their separation.
A pic of everything so far.

The Rocopica cross has a little leaf curl but coming along good.
Rocopica 1:5:20 close2.jpg

The CGN Cardenasii is taking off!
Cardenasii 1:5:20.jpg

The Puta Pario is still in it's cotyledons but if you look real close there are leaves starting in there.
Putapario 1:5:20.jpg

And this next pic is of my bonchi datil from last season.  I've been pretty happy with it.  Just a little trim and some water now and then and it's happy.  I think a mini garden gnome sitting under the bend would be nice but I couldn't find one.
Next to the bonchi is a cutting from a moruga yellow from last season.  It's been in that kratky jar since last fall.  I just keep adding more nutrient mix when it gets low and trim it now and then also.  I had it wrapped in foil but neglected to put it back a few weeks ago and I see some algae growth in the jar.  I'll clean it up in a day or two.

Guess that's it for now.  
Thanks for following and if you see anything I need to do let me know.  I have an open "glog" policy!  
bpiela said:
Lol!  Those mini garden gnomes are awesome!
Im glad DownRiver posted the link.  I ordered a couple!
wiriwiri said:
Great to see the successful start to your 2020 Glog TYBO...especially the fast germination of your wilds.
Wilds do take their own sweet time,like Cd said they can take months...so you're ahead of the game. ;)
Keep up the good work...will definitely follow.
Thanks wiriwiri.  Yeah, Im taken aback by the fast germination myself.  I wasn't expecting it at all.  I had a couple more pop today.  I'll post them below.
stettoman said:
Tha's righ'....We be coo'....
That looks good stetto.  Is that your's?
Well there's been a couple (or three) surprises this week.  
First of all I got a package from CaneDog to help me continue my "wild" grow.  Includes some Rocoto's too!
CaneDog Pkg..jpg

Thanks again CD.  I'm excited to get these going.  They are in seperate containers now awaiting me to mix up a soaking solution.  
That's surprise #1!
#2 & #3 are two more hooks today.  This morning I checked on everything and the CGN Cardenasii's that have been sitting in the rook wool cube since 12/13 were peaking through the top. 
There is some nasty growth on top.  The green don't bother me so much but that brown.....ackh!!
CGN CARD Sprouts 1:9:20.jpg

Later this afternoon I checked again and the Cumari Pollux is peaking through!  All of these were started on 12/13 so 28 days for these two.  It has some algae growth on top also.  I read online that I could mix up a weak H2O2 solution and spray the tops to kill off the algae and then cover them either by transplanting or with an opaque material to block light.  Anyone have any experience with that?
Cumari Pollux Hook 1:9:20.jpg

I think that's it for now.  Im probably forgetting something so if I remember something I'll be back.  
Oh yeah.  I got my shipping email for the fatalii seeds from Seed Savers for the growdown throw down so things are looking good.  