• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tybo's 2020 Grow Log

Well after looking through lots of glog's, I decided to try doing one myself.  Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and improve with photo quality along the way.
That being said------I"M LATE!  Yep, this first post is 10 days late.  Meaning I started some seeds 10 days ago.  I guess my excuse is that we've been trying to get ready for the holidays here.
Anyway, I was lucky enough to get on the 2019 seed train and when B train showed up here, I was able to get some seeds that I probably wouldn't have thought of getting on my own.
It's a little early to start my main grow but I wanted to get something going so I chose to start some wild seeds that I got off the train.  Some of these came from Canedog.  (The Cap. 524 and 1445 and Cumari Pollux I bought)
So on December 13th I started 8 varieties of seed.  8 in rock wool and 8 of the same varieties in seed starting mix.
Here is a pic of them in their General Tso's starting tray.  They are sitting on a heat mat.

The first pepper was coming up on the 22nd so 9 days for my first one!  It was the CGN Cardenasii.  

The cotyledon's are so tiny!

I tried to upload a Page's drawing I made showing square's with the names of the peppers and their location but I can't upload it.  I get a "don't have permission" error when I try so for now I'll just do this manually.
Chacoense        Chacoense       C. Praetermissum       CGN
Puta Pario          CAP 524                                               Cardenasii
                                                                                       (sprout 12/22)                        (Seed Starting Mix)
Cumari              Rocopica           Chacoense                        ?
Pollux                Cardenasii          CAP 1445                    Unknown
                          UNK Rocoto
These are the seeds in the starting mix.  The rock wool cubes have the same seeds in the same order.
I'll try to get a photo and post later since I can't upload the file.  
(CD, hope I got the names right!)
I'll update as things progress.
Edited to add that the unknown listing is because the writing on the envelope got smeared and I couldn't make out the name.  I'm pretty sure it was a wild variety so I went ahead and planted them.  Hopefully they germinate and can be identified later.
CaneDog said:
You can click the "More Reply Options" button at the lower right of your post, then "Chose File" then "Attach This File," then you'll have an "Add to Post" option to place the image at the cursor location.  You don't use the "Image" button in the upper menu with this method.
Your peppers are looking great, Tybo!
Thanks CD.  This is the way I have always done it, just wasn't sure if there was something different with the extreme upgrade.  
Just posting with a question about one of my plants.  Here is a couple photo's of what was supposed to be a CGN Cardenasii that is turning out to be something else.
I have all of my plants under a 4 bulb 4 foot T5HO fixture that is about 12" above the tallest plant.  This plant gets very "droopy" after about 12 hours of light.  All of the other plants never droop like this.  I'm going to try moving it to a different light source to see if that helps but just wondering why would it do this.  It's not very hot under the light so I don't think heat is the problem.  Just seems like it gets "tired" after only 12hrs.
Kinda looks like a chinense too!

It looks healthy otherwise.
Maybe it just isn't gonna like full sun later on!  
It's not uncommon (particularly, it seems, with rocotos) that you'll see this activity.  They tend to like a longer day of less intense illumination and they'll simply lose turgidity over the length of a warm day, only to spring up again overnight.  I tend to move the more sensitive rocotos to the perimeter of the more open edge of my grow area that way they get a little less light, heat, and humidity than the varieties that prefer more of those things.
Speaking of the plant, which is really cool IMO, it looks a ton more like a rocoto than a cardenasii.  Because the cardenasii was the mother and cardenasii seeds are look so different than those of rocotos (smaller and browner, versus a bigger, black seed) it's unlikely there was a seed mix-up.  That suggests you have a rocoto-fathered cardenasii, but such crosses usually look more like cardenasii plants and have smaller pods.  To have one look so much like a rocoto is interesting.  I'm curious whether its growth habits will be more organized, versus a more sprawling nature of the CGN accession cardenasii, and whether the pods might be bigger and more rocoto like as well.   
I agree with CD, my first thought when a I saw
the picture was ‘Rocoto’. Then thinking
less intense light would perhaps be helpful.
Regular 6500K flourescent T12s work fine
with the pubescens varieties. I keep my T5HO
lights up pretty high on the Rocotos.
Thanks for the info.  I can switch off two of the bulbs on that fixture but that would rob the other plants so I'm gonna move it under the LED light that the bonchi and dwc baquinho are sharing.  Maybe that will help.
I need to add some more pics of my new arrivals.  Last night I saw 2 Gelbe Riesen's and a Galapagos Long had popped:



And today a Rocoto CAP 1242 X had popped and another in the same cube trying to break out!

Hey CD, I tried to google the Cap 1242 for info but didnt find much.  There were some pics that came up from South Linc Chilli Boys but their site is down.  Any info appreciated.
Things are going great so far and there are more still to come hopefully.
Tybo said:
And today a Rocoto CAP 1242 X had popped and another in the same cube trying to break out!
Hey CD, I tried to google the Cap 1242 for info but didnt find much.  There were some pics that came up from South Linc Chilli Boys but their site is down.  Any info appreciated.
Things are going great so far and there are more still to come hopefully.
I don't have any good pictures of the plant itself, which is strange because I liked the way it grew. Now it's cut back for OW.
Here's a picture of the pods, though - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/71003-canedog-2019-hirsute-pursuit-rocotos-wilds-moar/?p=1662881
SLCB is where I got the seed for this.  This guy may be an accidental hybrid, hence the "X," but I'm not certain. SLCB true rates have been good for me.   I didn't expect it to be so orange, but more of a mat yellow/orange.  The shape looks pretty accurate   
If you google "pubescens cap 1242" you may see some of SLCB's pictures, in which case you'll notice the color difference between those pods and mine.  If mine is a cross, your seeds would be the F2 generation, so recessive allele pairings should show up - and this plant already appears to have multiple recessive pairings based on its color progression/shades.  I'm a big fan of the way this grew for me, so if it does turn out to be a cross I'll do a good sized F2 grow next season to pick up the distribution.  This season I'll probably grow just 1 plant from the F2 seed, plus the OW.
Another day, another sprout or 3.
While misting everything with a spray bottle I saw some more sprouts today.  With the heat pump running this time of year it is like living in a dehydrator.  I just feel that the plants would like a little moisture.  Actually, Ive been contemplating getting a humidifier for this room.  
Anyway, first up is a Carolina Reaper popping through the rockwool.  The PB is just short for Puckerbutt.  That's where the seeds came from.  10 days to germinate.

Another Rocopica CAP 1242:

And last, another Ecuador Red.

Still waiting on a few more wilds.  
It's great seeing all these varieties coming up for you, Tybo.  FYI - the CAP 1242 isn't a rocopica, it's 100% rocoto.  The "X" means it might have crossed and the "Orange" means the color is what's different about it than expected.   However, I do have a cross of it with the Eximium 1491 that will be a rocopica. I just had two sprouts of it hook up in a Grodan cube, so it's game-on for that one!
Well, after what seems like a long time between sprouts I finally have an update.
One of the KS Lemon Starrburst has hooked.

Another CAP 1242 Rocoto.  This will make #4 for these guy's.
CAP1242 1:28.jpg

A second Galapagoense Long has hooked.
GalapLong 1:28.jpg

And last but one I have been keeping my fingers crossed for is the Galapagoense pepper.  
Galapagoense 1:28.jpg

There are several more wild varieties yet to germinate but I'm holding out hope.  Looks like I'm doing a good job of growing mold!  I don't know what's different this year as I didnt have this issue last year.  At least as far as I remember.  As long as it don't affect the plants all is well.
That's awesome about the galapagoense. I think you're going to be spoiled by how well you're doing with the germination times on the wilds.  I haven't planted any of the CAP 1242-X yet, I have 1 OW still, but I planted a CAP 1242-X x CAP 1491 F1 cross that is crazy vigorous.
Algae growth is typically driven by the duration of "daylight," versus the intensity.  Are you using a long light cycle?  Nutrient supplementation would also be a driving factor.  Nothing to worry about, though.
CaneDog said:
Algae growth is typically driven by the duration of "daylight," versus the intensity.  Are you using a long light cycle?  Nutrient supplementation would also be a driving factor.  Nothing to worry about, though.
I am using a very weak nutrient solution to keep the rockwool cubes moist this year and it seems to be working well for the new sprouts.  So that along with using the super bright T5HO fixtures is probably the cause.  Last year I used LED lights that had a more yellow spectrum light.  Not the super bright white light coming from the T5's.  Light cycle is ~16/8.  I'm not using a timer so some days are shorter!  
Carrying on with the great wilds germination, Ty!
Great to see them so successful for you!
I wouldn't worry about the green stuff. It's not
really mold, but algae, and won't hurt your
plants any.