Uh OH!

Noshownate said:
Soo much controversy on CI care. Soap or no soap is the question the directions say to use soap but i really dont; want paulky to hunt me down :)

I have been curing it like all day eveyday thta i am home i have been coating and coating this thing to get a nice carbon layer.
hope i can use it correctly!

I dont know if you've noticed but the skillet you bought is already pre-seasoned.

every pre-seasoned CI I get, I wash with soap just for the fact I dont know who touched it or cough on it or touch what w/o washing their hands before touching the CI I'm buying.
its not a extreme wash with soap but after that wash then it never see's soap!! heck I've had it where it'd never be cleaned for weeks at a time then make some real dirty rice...damn tasty rice & a clean CI after that :lol:

cook any & everything in the CI, & you cant destroy it (cleaning wise)
i love cast iron.. especially for camping and use on stupid stupid electric stoves. my recomendations are old Griswold brand pans.. you can still find them on ebay for pretty low prices. seasoning is fairly easy, just oil and bake around 200 degrees for a few hours. or, you can also just dump the thing in a grease fryer for an hour..that works for rolled steel pans as well. for cleaning, of course no soap, but use coarse salt and a kitchen towel..rub well, then rinse and dry well.