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Ultra Hot Rebel-Mega Grow 13-14

Im helping my buddy Jon aka megahot out and growing some plants for him and wanted to start a glog which i will update atleast once a week. These popped up on 10-24 and are in coco at the moment being watered with Liquid Karma. I am growing Bubblegum7,Borg9,Yellow Infinaga F5,Yellow Billy Boy Douglah,Barrackpore Monster,Burmese Naga and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. Here is a pic of the little ones that have popped so far.

Here are a few of their room mates the big ones on the right are Butch T Chocolate Habanero Bhut Jolokia and Dorset Naga. The ones in the white grow bags are Carolina Reaper,Primo,Madballz and Infinity. Then there are Savanna7,more Primos Madballz Infinity Reapers and some 7 SR x 7 Douglahs. Most of these will be transferred to the greenhouse as they get bigger.  These are all being feed Pure Blend Pro grow and Liquid Karma.


Jeff H said:
Nice grow so far Rebel. Way to get a start on next years season.
With that greenhouse, you'll be producing 12 months a year. :cheers:
Thanks buddy I'm hoping to run year round in the greenhouse. I have aphids in there but just released about 600 ladybugs tonight so hopefully they will do their job. These here are just the super and ultra hots i won't start my milder peppers until January that will be about another 50 or so plants.
Here we go with another week they are coming along very nice. Had another Borg9 break ground this morning but didnt take its pic but it will be in next weeks shot.




Thanks brother i just moved some bigger plants to the greenhouse and getting ready to start some new varieties just not sure which yet. Yea i have 3 Borg9 now another one popped the next day so i have at least 3 of each going so far.
Barrackpore Monster

Infinaga yellow F5

BillyBoyDouglah Yellow

Burmese Naga


Late popping Borg9


For some reason i missed a shot of the Bubblegum7 but ill get it tonight.

Dorset Naga
Fantastic job buddy! Wow they sure are getting big fast! :) What are you giving them? HAHA
Nice work as usual Keith! Thanks for another great update
How do you like using the coco to start your seedlings?  I was going to use rapid rooters to start my seedlings but the cost is making me re-think things.  I was thinking about picking up a brick or two of eco-co coir seed starting mix and bottom watering them with water and liquid karma like you're doing.  I've heard the coco will hold water a little longer, but with bottom watering that should make things a little bit better.  I can use coco / liquid karma and start 4 times the amount of seedlings I would have with rapid rooters.
Any advice would be great!
This is the seed starting coco I'm looking at:
Coco seed starting mix 
Ignite said:
How do you like using the coco to start your seedlings?  I was going to use rapid rooters to start my seedlings but the cost is making me re-think things.  I was thinking about picking up a brick or two of eco-co coir seed starting mix and bottom watering them with water and liquid karma like you're doing.  I've heard the coco will hold water a little longer, but with bottom watering that should make things a little bit better.  I can use coco / liquid karma and start 4 times the amount of seedlings I would have with rapid rooters.
Any advice would be great!
This is the seed starting coco I'm looking at:
Coco seed starting mix 
I like coco for a few reasons and it works well for seed germination. One thing i like is its very hard to over water with coco it drains great and seems to only hold just the right amount of water. Another reason it doesn't really hold nutrients like peat or soil so i have better control over my feedings. Salt will build up in it but flushing takes care of that. I use botanicare coco which is just straight coco. This year in going to try straight coco and pine bark to see what happens. The young plants i have in straight pine mulch have great root mass just doesn't hold water good so I'm adding coco to solve that.
I am also trying some rooters like rapid rooters but about half the price I'll post how they work when i get them going. I also just started 12 seeds in some oasis plus cubes to see how they work. I can order almost 300 of them for about $25 much cheaper than rapid rooters.
Looking great Rebel.
your logic on the coco is sound. I would be using it too but I have heard that you need to add extra calcium when using coco. Just FYI in case you haven't heard that. I'm sure you have a bottle of Cal-Mag so it isn't hard to fix if you see deficiencies.
I'm doing something similar but instead of coco, I am using perlite and peat with the hydro nutes in the watering can.
Yez sir i have cal-mag for sure coco is notorious for that. I have some i got from kelp4less.com I mix myself so i have that part covered.
rebelgrower3 said:
I like coco for a few reasons and it works well for seed germination. One thing i like is its very hard to over water with coco it drains great and seems to only hold just the right amount of water. Another reason it doesn't really hold nutrients like peat or soil so i have better control over my feedings. Salt will build up in it but flushing takes care of that. I use botanicare coco which is just straight coco. This year in going to try straight coco and pine bark to see what happens. The young plants i have in straight pine mulch have great root mass just doesn't hold water good so I'm adding coco to solve that.
I am also trying some rooters like rapid rooters but about half the price I'll post how they work when i get them going. I also just started 12 seeds in some oasis plus cubes to see how they work. I can order almost 300 of them for about $25 much cheaper than rapid rooters.
Thanks!  I think I might try both and see which works better.  I've never started from seeds so I'm just looking for the best and easiest way to start my superhots.  I'll order a brick of Cocogro from Botanicare and some Liquid Karma...should be set.  I'm also going to look into those oasis plus cubes.  
rebelgrower3 said:
I like coco for a few reasons and it works well for seed germination. One thing i like is its very hard to over water with coco it drains great and seems to only hold just the right amount of water. Another reason it doesn't really hold nutrients like peat or soil so i have better control over my feedings. Salt will build up in it but flushing takes care of that. I use coco which is just straight coco. This year in going to try straight coco and pine bark to see what happens. The young plants i have in straight pine mulch have great root mass just doesn't hold water good so I'm adding coco to solve that.
I am also trying some rooters like rapid rooters but about half the price I'll post how they work when i get them going. I also just started 12 seeds in some oasis plus cubes to see how they work. I can order almost 300 of them for about $25 much cheaper than rapid rooters.
Your grow is kicki' it into high gear, Keith!  Plants look very healthy - can see you
gots some mad skills, bro!  Another 50 plants come Jan?  Whoa back, Nellie!
Another reason to use coco fiber in some form is that it is a sustainable product.  
Peat is not; takes many years to create, and once dug up, the carbon storage is
lost to some extent.  Also, most places the coco comes from could use the cash
@Ignite Hey, buddy, if you get a brick, be sure to flush it with water after you break
it up to get the salt out of it to begn with.  The guy at our local grow store was emphatic
about that.  
He also recommended a product called Tupur.  Contains coco fiber, forest humus,
oyster shell, perlite and azomite.  In a way it's like the coco/humus mix Keith is talking
about. Maker is Royal Gold, LLC in Arcata, CA - www.royalgoldcoco.com.  I bought a
bag to try a few plants in next season.  
Azomite itself is a very interesting substance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azomite
Thanks Paul Yea I'm going for 150 plants this year. You are very correct i flush my coco with warm water until the runoff is clear.
Thanks for the advice guys.  Do you bottom water your seedlings in coco or simply use the mist and spray method to keep the top wet?  When you transplant into the FFOF, do you strip the coco away or simply place it in your FFOF mix?  
Awesome selection of plants by the way.  I can't wait to see how those Borg9 plants produce.
I do bottom water the seedlings in coco and no they go straight into the Ocean Forest. Yea I'm excited to see what happens with the Borg9.
These plants here i have to thank Jon for giving me the chance to grow them. He sent me an awesome selection.