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Ultra Hot Rebel-Mega Grow 13-14

Im helping my buddy Jon aka megahot out and growing some plants for him and wanted to start a glog which i will update atleast once a week. These popped up on 10-24 and are in coco at the moment being watered with Liquid Karma. I am growing Bubblegum7,Borg9,Yellow Infinaga F5,Yellow Billy Boy Douglah,Barrackpore Monster,Burmese Naga and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. Here is a pic of the little ones that have popped so far.

Here are a few of their room mates the big ones on the right are Butch T Chocolate Habanero Bhut Jolokia and Dorset Naga. The ones in the white grow bags are Carolina Reaper,Primo,Madballz and Infinity. Then there are Savanna7,more Primos Madballz Infinity Reapers and some 7 SR x 7 Douglahs. Most of these will be transferred to the greenhouse as they get bigger.  These are all being feed Pure Blend Pro grow and Liquid Karma.


Awesome !!!!  Heck of list for John and you. They look great !!!!  Sorry it took me so long to find the glog.  I have been using the ocean farm as starter soil for my plants.....what is the difference between OF and Happy Frog ??  Also see that you use hydroponic tents...I see them at local Hydro store and they are not cheap as is the OF soil.
Anyway great job for both of you !!!
Plants are looking very good, Reb!
And one heck of a list, as well!
@Barley-pop - For what it's worth, I use a mix of the Ocean Forest and
Happy Frog and the plants seem to do very well.  I notice it does get dense,
so I have been cutting it with a little coco product (Tupur) the last two rounds.  
It is expensive, so I only use it in 2-liter and smaller pots.
Barley-pop57 said:
Awesome !!!!  Heck of list for John and you. They look great !!!!  Sorry it took me so long to find the glog.  I have been using the ocean farm as starter soil for my plants.....what is the difference between OF and Happy Frog ??  Also see that you use hydroponic tents...I see them at local Hydro store and they are not cheap as is the OF soil.
Anyway great job for both of you !!!
Thanks buddy the OF is a nutrient rich soil where the HF is more of a basic soil mix. I bought the tent on amazon for a pretty good price but yea at hydro stores there pretty expensive.

Thanks PaulG i figured this year go all out my wife thinks I'm crazy but hell it's what i love to do. The plan was around 75 strains and 150 plants but it's looking more like 90 strains and 200 plants.

Thanks JoeFish and beerbreath can't wait to get everyone outdoors.
Rebel , could you tell me how do you grow such thick stems . If you could put up something for comparison it would be great as my plants look tiny beside your plants , that look super huge . Maybe the camera takes those huge pics . Great plants dude.