Ultra Hots

I grew the Infinty and red Primo, man were they hot I would rate them as a ultra hot, I also grew a chocolate Bhut cross that was right up there, but as I was so sick and was recovering from Cancer and the treatments, my taste buds were pretty much shot and I just scraped some of the placenta and oils up on a small spoon and licked up the oils and placenta with my tounge I got a different  burn with little taste.
I think that the Brain Strain should be rated as a ulta also, but I could be wrong. There is so many new crosses that its hard to comepare them, I will be growing Jay's peach and red Ghost scorpion next year along with the Reaper oh yes and the Antilles Fire which I have not tried yet, but from the amount of oils and placenta might just put it up there.

Oh yes I just wanted to add that some pods of the same type can be a lot hotter when the plants are under stress, I had one Barrackpore that I stressed out "ie" little water, split and twisted bent limbs and stripped of leaves. It made fewer pods, but every pod was much hotter than the ones that got shade, plenty of water and was kepted bug free.  So there can be a difference in where and how the plants are grown.
Idiot Piquant said:
What could/should be the hypothetical cutoff in SHU values between super- and ultra- hot peppers?
There are different levels of SHU's that are measured during testing.
I (think) Low, Mean or avg. And peak or high
For the peak SHU
Id guess anything that is 2,000,000+ would be an ultra hot. So I guess possibly the Red Moruga could be considered an ultra hot. It just probably contains a lower low and medium levels of SHU's than the browns do
megahot said:
A Bhut is considered to be a super hot
maybe you were thinking I put the Bhut in the Ultra hot list?
Of course a TSMB is a super hot. I was just making a short little example list LoL. So I do agree withvyou there.
It was early in the A.M. and without my glasses. :crazy:
I would say that an ultra hot starts at 1.5 million shu I have had the chance to try a lot of pods and can say that there are different effects I e types of capsacin and amounts of capcasin that can make less hot pods feel hotter than others as far as what feels like ultra hot to me is this 1 Reaper 2 TS moruga 3 7 pot brown and 4 primo 7 pot in that order even tho these were diffrent size
Pods with reaper and primo were smaller they still packed a big punch
ULTRAHOT is just a new word to fuck poeple even more...
over 500K  it's way too hot mfor most of poeple...
some guys will try to overhype everything with ULTRA SUPREME EXTREME HOT    just to sell seeds and make $$$$$$  quickly
and year after they will get out the same shit different color to make another pile of $$$.  in the end wise guys wait 1 or 2 years and all the seeds are free and hype is gone
Hammerfall said:
ULTRAHOT is just a new word to f**k poeple even more...
over 500K  it's way too hot mfor most of poeple...
some guys will try to overhype everything with ULTRA SUPREME EXTREME HOT    just to sell seeds and make $$$$$$  quickly
and year after they will get out the same shit different color to make another pile of $$$.  in the end wise guys wait 1 or 2 years and all the seeds are free and hype is gone
+1 :clap:
In this specific case, I think Jon is just trying to start a conversation about differentiating the hottest of the hot pods from the rest, that`s all. I`m not sure if any vendors are using the term Ultra Hot or not, but Jon does not have a pepper business, at least to my knowledge, and is not hyping new products. If this were a vendor`s post I`d call bullshit, too, but it isn`t. 
Personally, I don`t see the need to class something as ultra hot, but it is an interesting idea to classify what might be in an upper echelon group of hot peppers. if it were me, I`d start the cut-off at 1.4 million SHU, as there are a very few that have been tested at above that level. In terms of average SHU, it would include Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, 7-Pot Primo, Brazilian Ghost and what else? My brain hurts  :rolleyes:
Yeah, I can agree with that and you are 100 % correct Nigel, Im no vendor and Im not trying to market anything. To me there are a few pepper varieties that are out there that separate themselves from the rest of the super hot pack. That is why I decided to create a thread about it :). Thanks for the comment my friend.
I think to classify something with a measurable variable, said variable should be measured.

Is there any data yet on any of these brown pods or are we just making experienced unbiased guesses here?

I think the distinction is deserving if there is data to back it up.
AaronRiot said:
I think to classify something with a measurable variable, said variable should be measured. Is there any data yet on any of these brown pods or are we just making experienced unbiased guesses here? I think the distinction is deserving if there is data to back it up.
Lots of testing going on right now, so some hard data will be forthcoming in the near future. Until then, it`s based on the opinions of a good number of people who have eaten them and who have eaten lots of very hot peppers this year. If you have an opinion, chime in with your thoughts  :P
The realm of superhots is quickly becoming flooded with new types/variants of pods.  I think it is actually beneficial to perhaps provide sub-classes to further differentiate the heat levels in the superhot hierarchy.  I know I have personally eaten peppers of the same type multiple times that have consistently distanced themselves from lower level superhots in terms of heat.  
SHU is indeed a good way to quantify this, but it itself is still flawed.  Different capsacinoids will affect me differently than they will you.  So what do we do about a pod that has a TON of a certain type of capsaicinoid that KILLS me, but doesn't affect you nearly as much.  If I'm correct, SHU testing will indeed show that pod to have a high number, but you may eat it and think we're all crazy for thinking it is such a beast.  
It's a very interesting subject, and a very tough subject to wrap your head around at the same time.
I know most don't look at it this way but anything to me over 500,000 is Supper hot, and anything over 1,000,000 is way to hot or Ultra hot to me. As has been said there is a lot of testing but very few have really tested more then 1.4M. and not always. If there are 10 stable strains that tested over 1.5m more then a few times I not aware of it, if there was I say there Ultra Hot. It was only in 2007 that the Bhot Jolokia was the hottest pepper known, and that being said in 2007 it was the ultimate pepper at that time or the ultimate pepper at that time and that wasn't long ago. so IMO 1. or 1.5m wont last forever and 2m will be the ultimate in peppers before long.
today list of SUPER hot will be phased out  next year...     cause tehre is so much on the backburner  just to sell a new wave of seeds at a grat price of 1$ per seeds (or more)
just have to ask for top list and you will have all you want for info...
as now,   Butch T primo, reaper, jigsaw, ghost, 7 pot, Moruga, Amrageddon Infinity etc... are on the top list
next year you will have the EXTREME F1 of   Moruga X Reaper cross,   F1 of Moruga X Jigsaw cross, The Ghost jigsaw  wtc.. with different name and    expect to see the fearfull  Brown Reaper, The HP22JLHIDGT&*?T, the DEATH pepper wich has benn test way hotter but no graph or picture... but the seeds wil be available (but not data)...  anyway....    
Grow what you like  and you will have pplenty of different super hot strain each year...
Just look at the 7 pot....   i think tehr eis at least 77 different 7 pot variety as i write this....  probably 10 more by the time i hit the POST button....
anyway i love variety and most of them are So hot !!! very good in recipe for me...     way to hot to have fun eating them whole  and fresh
Nigel said:
Lots of testing going on right now, so some hard data will be forthcoming in the near future. Until then, it`s based on the opinions of a good number of people who have eaten them and who have eaten lots of very hot peppers this year. If you have an opinion, chime in with your thoughts  :P
I look forward to seeing these results!
I do not have an opinion about individual peppers -- I've gone as far as eating a few dime sized slivers of a few supers to get an idea of what I want to grow in 2014, and munching on the habs and bonnets in this years garden. Total new guy here who's always eaten and loved hot foods esp habs but until last spring knew nothing of superhots or growing. We'll see next year.
My opinion on classifying _____________, is that when there is a measurable variable it makes sense to back up opinions (that are likely accurate and ofter from people experienced the field being classified) with these measurements. That is just how I feel about classifications in general -- could be peppers or anything else under the sun.
The orange brainstrain that popped up in my grow room is really bad. On above a douglah by far, but I only had one pod so far and I have to wait till January to test it against a reaper.
Edit: and also, I don't count F1 hybrids as "real" strains, because of how much they change when they become F2 and so on. While the bhutlah may be the hottest(According to Ted, and a few others), I expect that it will have significantly died down in heat by F8 And as Hammerfall said "Ten more by the time I hit post" the 7 pod orange brain strain came into existence...
Ultra hot peppers is like having hyper cars, after 1000 HP they call them "Hypercars" now. I've driven cars with 550-600 HP and cars with tons of torque, they are just scary sometimes. Same things with peppers. 
I think it would be a good idea to make different categories for peppers over a certain SHU level just for individuals just getting into growing or eating extremely hot peppers. I know when I first started eating peppers when I was younger, I had Jalapeños, Thai chilis, orange Habaneros, etc. But my neighbor would never let me eat the Red Savinas because he knew they would be way too hot.... He called them his "Super peppers" and he wouldn't let me eat one until I turned 13. Then I was hooked. Back then those were the super hot peppers we had, but now with all the peppers way over 1,000,000 SHU I think it would help us all out. 
So you could do classifications like Super, Mega, and Ultra hots. Super over 1,000,000. Mega over 1,500,000 and Ultra over 2,000,000. All for better classification. 
The full "scale" could go Mild, Medium, Hot, Superhot, Megahot, Ultrahot. 1-100,000 (Mild) ; 100,001-450,000 (Medium) ; 450,001-999,999 (Hot) ; 1,000,000-1,500,000 (Superhot) ; 1,500,001-1,999,999 (Megahot) ; 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 (Ultrahot) 
Sadly this could all be used to boost sales of peppers, having the latest and greatest "Ultrahot" pepper, but that will happen no matter what we classify them as, if it's the hottest in the world then it's going to sell big, or if it claims to be the hottest in the world, most individuals who are not in the pepper world will just go for it anyway because it's the "hottest". 
Just keep it as superhots, there is a lot of maneuvering in the testing of peppers that is sometimes misleading. 
Perceptions also play into the assumption of which is hottest. A one ounce pod will contain twice as much
cap as a 1/2 ounce pod of the same type so will burn more in a personal test, in true lab tests they should show
the same amount of cap per gram.