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Ultra Hots

Agree with ya butch T Like I mentioned the type of capsacin and amount can make some peppers feel like an so called ultra hot,, some smaller pods feel on par with bigger pods I believe that they are hotter but the size and amount on bigger pod makes them feel just as hot,A good example is the jays ghost scorpions a lot of folks said they were the hottest they have had,,But testing puts them at average ghost pepper levels 750-1million SHU but in size they are big bigger than some 7 pots or reapers so they can feel hotter to the mouth tèsting Right?? The regular old supers are plenty hot but we seem to want to keep pushing it let's see I think we can't get hotter than 3 million that's the limit lol
3 million shu would be terroribly scary, how much could a person stand? some like the primo and infinity which was a fairly large pod, just plain ripped me a new one just eating a small amount.
I cut into a Barrackpore and some of the oils and juices ran off my glove and down my arm, I didn't feel anything till it found a tender spot then it was like I had gasoline on me and it caught fire, I'm not sure where it might stand in line, but it was damn hot just taking a small bite. If 3 or 4 million could be reached the peppers would have to be reclassifide Maybe weapons grade?
Pods do vary in heat levels,when i sent my Lucy and Katie F3 pods for testing at Warwick university this year they insisted for an accurate result that i send 
at least 250 grams of each type for testing.
nickdu said:
Pods do vary in heat levels,when i sent my Lucy and Katie F3 pods for testing at Warwick university this year they insisted for an accurate result that i send at least 250 grams of each type for testing.
I don't understand why they said to send 250 grams as most test use very little and over 1/2 lb they would never test it all. My Brother test soil and water and if I remember right he used 100, Mg of soil, not sure on water but not much the Lab equipment doesn't test large amounts in the first place.

If I was testing to find the hottest plants of a cross and I had ten plants I sure wouldn't send a lab 1/2 lb from each plant, the most I would send is 1 gram off each plant but I would clean the grinder very well between each plant and try my best not to commentate the samples in any way. I also would grind more then one pepper to get more then the gram.
If peppers reach that level I honestly think they could do damage to people eating them whole. There comes a point where too much of the oils can really hurt people. Just think of how 1,000,000 feels going down and a few hours after. Now times that by 3... I've had peppers that I know had to be over 2,000,000 SHU the Brown Moruga, and that was one of the worst pains I've had from anything. I told my fiance that if it kept hurting like it was to take me to the hospital.

But there is a limit to how much hot is too much and once you get to the point of absolute agony and fear, those types of peppers should be kept to a close guard from certain people.
Probably for multiple tests.

Sometimes lab tests get skewed results. Having a reasonable amount on hand would ensure the ability to repeat the test.
The best part of talking about "Ultrahit" peppers is we have all the various species that have been untested as of yet. I wonder if any labs out there could do a group rate for testing peppers. So we have an idea of what they are ranging.
Seems to me that sample (like 100g) taken from 1/2lb or more of powder taken from a few pods from many plants thoroughly mixed together would provide a more accurate average I would think. At least compared to a few select pods from one plant -- or even one grower.
1.4 + scares the crap out of me. Strictly sauce/purée/powder peppers (if I grow any at all next season). I'm nervous enough as it is to pop a few supers next year!
Exactly. But then you would have to establish a standard for all the variations of that pepper. Or the unstable strains of that pepper. But having the standard pepper we could say "that" pepper has this SHU. As for having it from a given grower that would leave room for individuals to start a while campaign on their newest "superhot" to get a ton of money from, even if its a well known variety of pepper.

Now if it was their own new pepper that they had developed and it came out to be a very nice pepper and they wanted to market it then that makes more sense to me.
With all the work being done to crack the gene codes, so that researchers can learn how to increase disease resistance and improve on flavor and vitamin content, oh yes and heat level, it won't belong before we see varieties that will push 3 Mil. or more to be used in medical experiments which would eventually get out to the public and find its way to someone crazy enough to try one, I can only say I would like to be there with a camera as I know just how bad some of the ultra hots can burn, I can't imagine what a 3 or 4 mil shu pepper would do to the inside of someone's mouth or intestinal tract. 
In reality just what the hell would some ordinary guy use a weapons grade pepper for? I use so little of my Moruga, Savannah, Infinity powder mix that it will be some time before I use it all up, at least till next fall when I start making new batches up. I would almost bet that there would be a few people that would be going to the hospital after eating more than they should of the Ultra hots.
So is there anyone here that is working on a new variety to try and push pass the 2 mil mark?
i got some brown moruga powder from judy, i can say it is significantly hotter than anything else ive ever tried. definitely ultra!

ive got some 7 pot browns finishing up ripening now which im gonna do a review for soon. i guess ill find out first hand how ultra they are (its probably the hottest i grew in 2013!)
Idk, I love my hot peppers. I'd like to be able to use a 3mil pepper. Just have to be acclimated to them. A weapon is only a instrument of death in the hands of a killer. Lets not go calling these things weapons grade please...
Mister I wonder if it could be done with any accuracy. Or would it have to be a digital type, to give a range. The best way tto probably do it would be o use a kit that had more than one strip in it, say one to range from 0-100,000, 200,000 - 500,000 , 550,000 - 1,000,000 and so on.